Android library that provides UI for a customizable place picker, origin and destination picker and Google Places autocomplete searchview
This version uses Google Play Services 11.6.0 and RxJava 2.0.+
- Easily add a Google Places autocomplete searchview widget to your project
- Pick a location from a map
- Can be customized to match the theme of your app
- Can use customized map markers
- Can drag map marker to select location
- Can search for location names
- uses a fragment which you can overide and add extra functionality
- Pick a origin location and a destination location (like Uber)
- Can be customized to match the theme of your app
- Can use custom map markers for each location
- Get directions, distance and time from a location with directions API
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Simple. All you need is to do is:
- Add the following to your layout (You can change the values as you wish)
app:niboSV_searchTextColor="#757575" />
In your fragment or activity, implement
, and return a valid GoogleAPIClient object and an instance of NiboPlacesAutoCompleteSearchView.SearchListener (see example app for better explanation) -
Call setmProvider(this) on your seachview.
- Add the following to your manifest file. NiboOrigDestTheme.NoActionBar gives you the default (white and black) styling.
android:theme="@style/NiboOrigDestTheme.NoActionBar" />
To use a custom style, see NiboActivityStyle style in the niboexample project. Make sure your theme has NiboOrigDestTheme.NoActionBar as a parent.
To start the activity:
Intent intent = new Intent(this, NiboOriginDestinationPickerActivity.class);
NiboOriginDestinationPickerActivity.NiboOriginDestinationPickerBuilder config = new NiboOriginDestinationPickerActivity.NiboOriginDestinationPickerBuilder()
.setOriginEditTextHint("Input pick up location")
.setDestinationEditTextHint("Input destination")
startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE);
- You can customize it other things like the directions Polyline color using the NiboOriginDestinationPickerBuilder as shown above.
- To start the activity:
Intent intent = new Intent(this, NiboPlacePickerActivity.class);
NiboPlacePickerActivity.NiboPlacePickerBuilder config = new NiboPlacePickerActivity.NiboPlacePickerBuilder()
.setSearchBarTitle("Search for an area")
.setConfirmButtonTitle("Pick here bish")
startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE);
- To retrieve the results:
Intent intent = new Intent(this,
if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK && requestCode == 300) {
NiboSelectedPlace selectedPlace = data.getParcelableExtra(NiboConstants.SELECTED_PLACE_RESULT);
Toast.makeText(this, selectedPlace.getPlaceAddress(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Toast.makeText(this, selectedPlace.getLatitude(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Toast.makeText(this, selectedPlace.getLongitude(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
} else if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK && requestCode == 200) {
NiboSelectedOriginDestination selectedOriginDestination = data.getParcelableExtra(NiboConstants.SELECTED_ORIGIN_DESTINATION_RESULT);
Toast.makeText(this, selectedOriginDestination.getOriginFullName() + " - " + selectedOriginDestination.getDestinationFullName(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
} else {
Toast.makeText(this, "Error getting results", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
- You can customize it other things like the directions Polyline color using the NiboPlacePickerBuilder as shown above.
Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file
Add it in your root build.gradle
at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.aliumujib:Nibo:2.0'
Nibo requires at minimum Android 4.1 (API Level 15).
- download project source
- import new module to your project
- compile path(":modulename")
Sample usage is available in niboexample directory.
Directions, Places and Maps APIs require API Key. Before running samples you need to create project on API console
and obtain API Key from here.
Obtained key should used to replace string named: google_places_key
in google_maps_api.xml
- Add better example
- Add options transport type to DirectionsFinder
If you need the SearchView without all the Google Places stuff, look at PersistentSearchView .
Nibo means “Where?” in my native language (Yoruba), so yeah, Nigeria to the world baby!! Also Nibo is a work in progress and I will keep updating it, suggestions (and issues) are welcome. Tweet them at me @aliumujib on twitter or email me.