- Overview
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with opensips
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
This module purpose is to provision a SIP server running on Centos 7. This module was tested with puppet 5.
To install opensips on a server, simply use the following:
include opensips
This modules install an configure a SIP server based on the Opensips proxy, rtpproxy as media relay proxy and mariadb database server.
Packages installed:
- augeas
- bash-completion
- fail2ban
- opensips
- opensips-db_mysql
- opensips-httpd
- opensips-json
- opensips-proto_tls
- opensips-tls_mgm
- opensips-pua
- opensips-pua_usrloc
- rtpproxy
- sngrep
- tcpdump
Configured services:
- Opensips
- Mysql
- rtpproxy
- syslog
- logrotate
The following packages are dependencies:
- epel-release
The following modules are dependencies:
- puppetlabs-stdlib (>= 4.22.0 < 6.0.0)
- puppetlabs-mysql (>= 10.0.0 < 11.0.0)
You must install OpenSIPS Control Panel or rtpengine media proxy if you wish to use them, as these tools are not provided by this module. It is possible to use existing puppet forge modules like alisio-opensipscp or alisio-rtpengine.
There are sample manifest inside the 'tests' folder.
Sample install with Control Panel and rtpengine:
class {'opensips':}
class {'opensipscp':}
class {'rtpengine':}
Sample install with Control Panel and rtpproxy:
class {'opensips':
mediaproxy_type => 'rtpproxy',
-> class {'opensipscp':}
To install opensips on a server, simply include the class.
include opensips
Add SIP users with opensipctl:
opensipsctl add <USERNAME>@<DOMAIN> <PASSWORD>
Add domains with opensipctl:
opensipsctl domain add <DOMAIN>
To customize the installation change the parameters as desired, acording to the Parameters session.
class {'opensips':
proxy_port => 5070,
opensips_mediaserver_hostport => ''
These default parameters are set for testing purposes. You should, nay, you must, change it for production.
IP address or hostname of the mysql database server. -
Mariadb server port. -
Database root password. -
The opensips mysql database name. -
The opensips mysql user. -
The password for the opensips mysql user. -
The external IP address or hostname of a server behind NAT. -
The external SIP port of a server behind NAT. -
The path for the opensips config file -
The path for the opensips control file -
Opensips HTTP Manager Interface Port. Default value: 8888 -
The opensips operation mode, acording to the osipconfig utility. Accepted values: default, trunking, residential. -
Opensips 2.4 yum repo 'http://yum.opensips.org/2.4/releases/el/7/$basearch' -
External gateway address:port (e.g. '') -
External mediaserver address:port (e.g '') -
Opensips default signal transport. Accepted calues: udp, tcp, tls -
Address of the interface where opensips will listen to. -
Enable/disable the ratelimit module for implemeting rate limiting for SIP requests. Default: true -
threshold limit per second for the ratelimit module. Default: 10 per second -
Port where opensips will listen to (e.g. 5060) -
Array of ethernet interfaces where opensips will listen to. E.g ['eth0','eth2'] -
Install necessary yum repositories. Default to true -
Control socket composed by protocol:address:port for controlling rtpproxy. E.g 'udp:' -
The “flags” string is a list of space-separated items. Each item is either an individual token, or a token in “key=value” format. Default to 'transcode-PCMA transcode-PCMU codec-mask-G729' -
Set which mediaproxy wil be used. Accepted values are 'rtpproxy' or 'rtpengine'. Default to rtpproxy -
Address where rtpproxy will listen to. E.g '' -
Integer representing the lowest rtp port rtpproxy will listen to (e.g 10000) -
Integer representing the highest port rtpproxy will listen to (e.g 2000) -
Integer representing file descriptors limit (e.g. 16000) -
Syslog level (e.g. 5) for opensips and rtpproxy log -
Syslog file for opensips and rtpproxy (e.g. /var/log/opensips.log) -
Path for the certificate used with TLS and Websocket. Default to /etc/letsencrypt/live/acme.com/cert.pem -
Path for the Private key used with TLS and Websocket. Default to /etc letsencrypt/live/acme.com/privkey.pem -
Websocket Ws (http) port. Default to 8080 -
Websocket Wss (https) port. Detault to 4443
The OpenSIPS module has tasks for performing trivial operations using Bolt. Please refer to to the Puppet documentation or Bolt documentation on how to execute a task.
Task for using opensipsctl - opensips control tool. -
Add domain to the database using opensipsctl -
Remove domain from the database using opensipsctl -
Show domain in memory using opensipsctl -
Restart OpenSIPS service -
Show opensips in-RAM online users
The most up to date reference and documentation for all configurations can be found online manual:
- Opensips: https://www.opensips.org/Documentation/Manual-2-4
- Rtpengine: https://github.com/sipwise/rtpengine
- Rtpproxy: https://www.rtpproxy.org/doc/master/user_manual.html
- MariaDB: https://mariadb.org/learn/
This module purpose is to provision an SIP server running on the Centos7 OS. This module was tested with puppet 5.
Copyright 2019 Antonio Alisio de Meneses Cordeiro
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.