In this practice, we applied clean code principles to a simple C# console application for managing tasks. Below is an overview of the improvements and principles applied:
The application provides functionality to:
- Add tasks
- Remove tasks
- List all tasks
- Exit the application
Code Structure: The code is organized into methods that each have a specific responsibility. Each method is named to clearly indicate its purpose.
Error Handling: Exception handling is used to manage errors gracefully, with clear messages to the user when an operation fails.
User Interaction: The console interface is structured with clear prompts and instructions, improving the user experience.
Code Readability: Consistent formatting and naming conventions are used to make the code more readable. Comments are included to explain method purposes and key code blocks.
Separation of Concerns: Logic for adding, removing, and listing tasks is separated into distinct methods, making the code easier to maintain and extend.
Displaying the Main Menu:
static int ShowMainMenu()
Console.WriteLine("Ingrese la opción a realizar: ");
Console.WriteLine("1. Nueva tarea");
Console.WriteLine("2. Remover tarea");
Console.WriteLine("3. Tareas pendientes");
Console.WriteLine("4. Salir");
// Read line
string line = Console.ReadLine();
return Convert.ToInt32(line);
Adding a Task:
static void ShowMenuAdd()
Console.WriteLine("Ingrese el nombre de la tarea: ");
string task = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Tarea registrada");
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine("Error: No se pudo registrar la tarea.");
static void ShowMenuRemove()
Console.WriteLine("Ingrese el número de la tarea a remover: ");
// Show current tasks
string line = Console.ReadLine();
// Remove one position
int indexToRemove = Convert.ToInt32(line) - 1;
if (indexToRemove > -1 && TaskList.Count > 0)
string task = TaskList[indexToRemove];
Console.WriteLine($"Tarea {task} eliminada");
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine("Error: No se puede eliminar la tarea, por favor verifique.");
static void ShowMenuTaskList()
if (TaskList?.Count > 0)
var indexTask = 1;
TaskList.ForEach(p => Console.WriteLine($"{indexTask++}. {p}"));
Console.WriteLine("No hay tareas por realizar");
This practice demonstrates the application of clean code principles in a C# application, focusing on readability, maintainability, and a user-friendly interface.