This work focuses on seeing a comparison between ancient and modern approaches to coloring the image where I chose two models which were Pix2Pix and Instance aware Colorization, where a notable difference was found in the coloring of their images.
- keywords: generative adversarial network , deep learning , instance , pix2pix , colorization , gray scale images
The paper is available at this here.
27/02/2021 :
We already have the first version of our work available here.
The Streamlit is almost finished ,the Pix2Pix model is loaded and ready to test and the InstColorization model is loaded and ready to test.
Coming soon.
The following tree shows the structure of the application:
| -master-NihonBW/
| |-BW/
| |-Images/
| |-Result/
| |-RC/
| |-Images/
| |-env/..
| |-test_pix2pix/..
| |-imgs/..
| |-InstColorization/..
| |-pytorchpix2pix/..
| |-data/..
| |-datasets/..
| |-imgs/..
| |-options/..
| |colorization/..
| |-models/..
| |..
| |
| |-.gitignore
| |
| |-requeriment.txt
- Linux
- Python 3
- Install the envariment
pip install virtualenv
- Install all dependencies with the command
pip install -r requirements.txt.
- Clone this repo:
git clone
- If you want to train the model in local , first you need clone the original repository Pix2Pix.
- Now you should create a dir in
pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix / datasets /
with the name colorization and inside of this dir you create train dir , now in train dir put your color images of trains . - Finally , you only follow the script of Pix2Pix repository and use the follow command
python --dataroot ./datasets/colorization --name color_pix2pix --model colorization
Search the dir checkpoints/color_pix2pix the weigth
. -
Now in the dir
create the direxperiment_name
and you need to move thelatest_net_G.pth
in the dir/NihongoBW/pytorchpix2pix/checkpoints/experiment_name/
- Note: If you want to train the model in colab , I used is available here.
- Note: The dataset used me is available here
- If you want to train the model in local , first you need clone the original repository InstColorization.
- Now you should create a dir in
with the name colorization and inside of this dir you create train dir , now in train dir put your color images of trains . - Finally , you only follow the script of InstColorization repository and use the follow command
#Prepare the data
python --test_img_dir ./train_dataset/train --filter_no_obj
#First Module
mkdir ./checkpoints/coco_full
cp ./checkpoints/siggraph_retrained/latest_net_G.pth ./checkpoints/coco_full/
python --stage full --name coco_full --sample_p 1.0 --niter 100 --niter_decay 50 --load_model --lr 0.0005 --model train --fineSize 256 --batch_size 16 --display_ncols 3 --display_freq 1600 --print_freq 1600 --train_img_dir ./train_dataset/train
#Second Module
mkdir ./checkpoints/coco_instance
cp ./checkpoints/coco_full/latest_net_G.pth ./checkpoints/coco_instance/
python --stage instance --name coco_instance --sample_p 1.0 --niter 100 --niter_decay 50 --load_model --lr 0.0005 --model train --fineSize 256 --batch_size 16 --display_ncols 3 --display_freq 1600 --print_freq 1600 --train_img_dir ./train_dataset/train
#Third Module
mkdir ./checkpoints/coco_mask
cp ./checkpoints/coco_full/latest_net_G.pth ./checkpoints/coco_mask/latest_net_GF.pth
cp ./checkpoints/coco_instance/latest_net_G.pth ./checkpoints/coco_mask/latest_net_G.pth
cp ./checkpoints/coco_full/latest_net_G.pth ./checkpoints/coco_mask/latest_net_GComp.pth
python --stage fusion --name coco_mask --sample_p 1.0 --niter 10 --niter_decay 20 --lr 0.00005 --model train --load_model --display_ncols 4 --fineSize 256 --batch_size 1 --display_freq 500 --print_freq 500 --train_img_dir ./train_dataset/train
- Search the dir
the weigth move and change the dircheckpoints/
for thecheckpoints/
where you trained.
- Note: If you want to train the model in colab , I used is available here.
If You want to proof the work , you need mov to dirs and position yourself with NihonBW/
and run this command
streamlit run
- Note:
Local host : http://localhost:8501
Network URL:
below a demonstration of this work.
- Alexander Leonardo Lique Lamas, Github: alexliqu09 Email: [email protected]
- Many thanks to the repository of junyanz author of Pix2Pix,this work would not have been possible without your repository.
- Many thanks to the repository of ericsujw author of InstColorization,this work would not have been possible without your repository.
If you find InstColorization useful , please cite this paper:
author = {Su, Jheng-Wei and Chu, Hung-Kuo and Huang, Jia-Bin},
title = {Instance-aware Image Colorization},
booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
year = {2020}
If you find Pix2Pix useful , please cite this paper:
title={Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks},
author={Isola, Phillip and Zhu, Jun-Yan and Zhou, Tinghui and Efros, Alexei A},
booktitle={Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017 IEEE Conference on},