- dim_reduction_rand_proj.c implements dimension reduction using Random Projections (achlioptas and gaussian matrix)
- dim_reduction_svd.c implements dimension reduction using SVD
- dim_reduction_lib.c (and .h) is a small library used by 1 and 2 to perform common operations such as matrix multiplication, distance calculation, time measurement, memory allocation and file I/O
The reduced matrix is then compared to the original via euclidian distance. Maximum and average distortion (to the original data) are also measured.
The tests ran on a Linode machine with:
- Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2697 v4 @ 2.30GHz (2 cores)
- 32 GB
- Arch Linux
Thats because the reduced matrix of a random projection of 15k dimensions consumes more than 8GB of memory, which was the maximum available on local machines.
Instead, this machine is capable to run half of the tests in one core, and another half in another core, which generates results twice as fast.
Download input and extract to this same folder:
from https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Bag+of+Words -
Compile and run dim_reduction_rand_proj.c
$ gcc -lm -Wall dim_reduction_rand_proj.c dim_reduction_lib.c -o dimred
$ ./dimred
It takes more than 40 minutes to calculate the distances, so be patient.
Install SVD dependency: GSL
Ubuntu:sudo apt-get install libgsl0ldbl
Arch Linux:sudo pacman -S gsl
Compile and run dim_reduction_svd.c
$ gcc -lm -lgsl -lgslcblas -Wall dim_reduction_svd.c dim_reduction_lib.c -o dimred_svd
$ ./dimred_svd
If you want to run faster, you can reduce the number of documents by commenting those lines from dim_reduction_lib.h
#define N_DOCS 3000
#define DOC_LINES 655468
And uncommenting the respective lines with the number of documents you want. Don't forget to uncomment the DOC_LINES below.