Releases: alecritson/Placid-Statamic
Releases · alecritson/Placid-Statamic
Couple of tweaks to get things running on Statamic V3 now it's out of beta.
Update for Statamic 3
Fixes and Tweaks
Merge pull request #15 from alecritson/add-code-of-conduct-1 Create
Fixes reponse issue
Fixes an issue where response would be cast to {{ response }}
tag for looping if it wasn't a multi dimensional array
Fixes #2
2.0.2 Fixes #8
Fixes array response issue
Fixes issue #5
Version 1.0.0
Update to 1
Latest release
This is the latest release and includes things like API calls and query paramters etc.
This is the one you want
Beta release
This is the very first version of the plugin and should be considered in beta.