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/* @noflow */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at */ import {Task} from 'reflex' export {Renderer} from 'reflex-virtual-dom-driver' // @todo documentation // I think this is some kind…

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/* @noflow / / This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at */ import {Task} from 'reflex' export {Renderer} from 'reflex-virtual-dom-driver' // @TODO documentation // I think this is some kind of memoization class? - GB 2015-11-12 class On { static handleEvent (event) { const {currentTarget, type} = event const handler = currentTarget[on:${type}] if (handler) { const data = handler.decode == null ? void (0) : handler.decode(event) if (data !== null) { if (handler.stopPropagation) { if (handler.stopPropagation(data)) { event.stopPropagation() } } if (handler.preventDefault) { if (handler.preventDefault(data)) { event.preventDefault() } } handler.address(data) } } } constructor (address, decode, options, getTarget) { this.address = address this.decode = decode this.getTarget = getTarget this.stopPropagation = false this.preventDefault = false this.type = 'On' if (options != null) { if (options.stopPropagation != null) { this.stopPropagation = options.stopPropagation } if (options.preventDefault != null) { this.preventDefault = options.preventDefault } } } hook (node, name, previous) { const type = name.indexOf('on') === 0 ? name.substr(2).toLowerCase() : name const target = this.getTarget != null ? this.getTarget(node) : node if (previous == null || previous.type !== this.type) { target.addEventListener(type, this.constructor.handleEvent) } target[on:${type}] = this } unhook (node, name, next) { const type = name.indexOf('on') === 0 ? name.substr(2).toLowerCase() : name.toLowerCase() if (next == null || next.type !== this.type) { node.removeEventListener(type, this.constructor.handleEvent) } delete node[on:${type}] } } const $hash = Symbol.for('hash') let nextHash = 0 const hash = v => { if (v == null) { return '#' } else if (v === false) { return '#f' } else if (v === true) { return '#t' } else { if (v[$hash] == null) { v[$hash] = f#${++nextHash} } if (v[$hash] == null) { throw TypeError(Invalid value of type ${typeof (v)} passed to a hashing function) } return v[$hash] } } const blank = Object.create(null) export const on = (address, decode, options, getTarget) => { const {stopPropagation, preventDefault} = options || blank const id = on:${hash(decode)}@${hash(getTarget)}:${hash(stopPropagation)}:${hash(preventDefault)}} if (!address[id]) { address[id] = new On(address, decode, options, getTarget) } return address[id] } const getRoot = target => target.ownerDocument.defaultView export const onWindow = (address, decode, options) => on(address, decode, options, getRoot) class MetaProperty { constructor (value, update) { this.value = value this.update = update this.type = 'MetaProperty' } hook (node, name, previous) { const before = previous == null ? previous : previous.type !== this.type ? previous : previous.value this.update(node, this.value, before) } unhook (node, name, next) { } } export const metaProperty = update => value => new MetaProperty(value, update) type Setter <data, element:HTMLElement> = (target:element, value:data) => Task<Never, void> class Setting <data, element:HTMLElement> { value: data; setter: Setter<data, element>; constructor (setter:Setter<data, element>, value:data) { this.value = value this.setter = setter } hook (node, name, previous) { this .setter(node, this.value) .fork(this.onSucceed, this.onFail) } onFail (error) { console.error(error) } onSucceed () { } } export const setting = <element:HTMLElement, data> (setter:Setter<data, element>, value:data ) => new Setting(setter, value) // Bunch of meta properties are booleans, meaning they can be toggled on // or off. This function is an optimized version of metaProperty for such // cases, it lazily caches both on and off instances and reuses them in // subsequent calls. Note: false, null, and undefined are treated as // logical false everything else is treated as true. const metaBooleanProperty = update => { let [on, off] = [null, null] const property = metaProperty(update) return value => { if (value === false || value == null) { if (off == null) { off = property(false) } return off } else { if (on == null) { on = property(true) } return on } } } export const focus = metaBooleanProperty((node, next, previous) => { if (next !== previous) { if (next) { node.focus() // If node did not get focused, it is because this is initial render and // in such case VirtualDOM library calls hooks before nodes are actualy // part of document and there for .focus() has no effect. In this case // we just repeat .focus() on next tick, as by then node will be part // of the document. if (node.ownerDocument.activeElement !== node) { Promise.resolve().then(() => { node.focus() }) } } else { node.blur() } } }) export const selection = metaProperty((node, next, previous) => { const {direction} = next const start = (next.start === Infinity ? node.value.length : next.start ) const end = (next.end === Infinity ? node.value.length : next.end ) // Note that call to node.setSelectionRange triggers select event // regardless of whether there was a change in selection. In order to avoid // potential inifinite selection change loop we check if call will actually // change a selection & only perform call if it will. const isUpdateRequired = node.selectionStart !== start || node.selectionEnd !== end || node.selectionDirection !== direction if (isUpdateRequired) { node.setSelectionRange(start, end, direction) } }) export const forceRender:Task<Error, void> = new Task((succeed, fail) => { if (window.renderer) { window.renderer.execute() console.log('Rendered in the same tick') succeed(void (0)) } else { fail(Error('window.renderer must be set to enable force rendering')) } } ) // @Hack: The following three functions have being copied from: // // As it was impossible to import them. // This hack can go away once is fixed. const handleEvent = phase => event => { const {currentTarget, type} = event const handler = currentTarget[on${type}${phase}] if (typeof (handler) === 'function') { handler(event) } if (handler != null && typeof (handler.handleEvent) === 'function') { handler.handleEvent(event) } } const handleCapturing:EventListener = handleEvent('capture') const handleBubbling:EventListener = handleEvent('bubble') export const replaceElement = (query:string, element:HTMLElement):Task<Error, void> => new Task((succeed, fail) => { const target = document.querySelector(query) if (target == null) { fail(Error('could not find node ${query}')) } else { if (target !== element) { const {attributes} = target const count = attributes.length let index = 0 while (index < count) { const {name, value} = attributes[index] index = index + 1 element.setAttribute(name, value) } for (let name in target) { if (target.hasOwnProperty(name)) { if (name.indexOf('on:') === 0) { const type = name.substr(3) const handler = target[name] element.addEventListener(type, handler.constructor.handleEvent) } else if (name.indexOf('on') === 0) { (name.endsWith('capture') ? element.addEventListener(name.substring(2, name.length - 'capture'.length), handleCapturing, true ) : name.endsWith('bubble') ? element.addEventListener(name.substring(2, name.length - 'bubble'.length), handleBubbling, false ) : void (0) ) } element[name] = target[name] } } } target.parentNode.replaceChild(element, target) } succeed(void (0)) } ) export const forceReplace = (query:string, element:HTMLElement):Task<Error, void> => forceRender .chain( => replaceElement(query, element))


/* @noflow */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at */ import {Task} from 'reflex' export {Renderer} from 'reflex-virtual-dom-driver' // @todo documentation // I think this is some kind…







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