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form is a form-handling library.

While it is possible to process form submissions just using the Request class, the form library takes care of a number of common form-related tasks. Using it, you can:

  1. Display an HTML form with automatically generated form widgets.
  2. Check submitted data against a set of validation rules.
  3. Redisplay a form in the case of validation errors.
  4. Convert submitted form data to the relevant JavaScript data types.

The library is a modified version of the js-forms client-side JavaScript library by Jonathan Buchanan, which is a port of the Django forms library.

Here is a very basic example of form usage:

use('form', '0.1');
var ContactForm = form.Form.subclass(
    email: form.EmailField(),
    dateOfBirth: form.DateField({helpText: 'We really need to know it'}),
    comment: form.CharField({required: false, widget: form.Textarea})
var formTemplate = new Template(
  '<form method="post">' +
  '{% csrfToken %}{{ form.asP }}<input type="submit">' +
var ContactHandler = Handler.subclass(
    get: function (request) {
      return new Response(
        formTemplate.render({form: this._form || new ContactForm()}),
        this._form && http.BAD_REQUEST);
    post: function (request) {
      this._form = new ContactForm({data:});
      if (!this._form.isValid())
        return this.get(request);
      // Process data

Currently form lacks documentation. If you'd like to participate in writing it, write me to


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