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My personal dotfiles for macOS.


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My personal dotfiles for macOS.


Setting SSH key

Place my SSH key.

  • SSH secret key: ~/.ssh/akkinoc
  • SSH public key: ~/.ssh/

Installing dotfiles

Clone this Git repository.

$ GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i ~/.ssh/akkinoc" git clone [email protected]:akkinoc/dotfiles.git

Install dotfiles and reload shell.

$ dotfiles/
$ exec -l "$SHELL"

Additional installation

Installing Homebrew packages

Required: Homebrew.

Install Homebrew packages.

$ brew bundle --global

Change login shell to Bash installed via Homebrew.

$ export SHELL="/opt/homebrew/bin/bash" # or "/usr/local/bin/bash"
$ sudo dscl . -create "/Users/$USER" UserShell "$SHELL"
$ reload

Setting GPG key

Required: GnuPG.

Disable option to store password in macOS keychain.

$ defaults write org.gpgtools.common DisableKeychain -bool yes

Import my GPG key.

$ gpg --import <{Key}
$ echo "{Fingerprint}:6:" | gpg --import-ownertrust


Licensed under the MIT License.