A comprehensive collection of DevOps resources, projects, and learning materials covering AWS, Kubernetes, Python, System Design, and more.
- Collection of hands-on AWS infrastructure projects
- Implementation examples and best practices
- Cloud architecture patterns
- EKS deployment with eksctl and Helm
- Prometheus monitoring setup
- Kubernetes best practices and configurations
- Session vs Token Authentication explanations
- Distributed systems design patterns
- Architecture diagrams and explanations
- Common interview questions and answers
- Technical scenarios
- Best practices and real-world examples
- DevOps automation scripts with AWS
- DevOps automation scripts with GCP
- Flask REST API implementations
- DevOps automation scripts
- Python best practices for infrastructure
- CI/CD pipeline examples
- GitHub Actions configurations
- Automation templates
- NC commands reference
- Curated list of DevOps tools
- Best practices and guides
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/akhileshmishrabiz/devops-learning.git
Navigate to specific sections based on your learning goals Each directory contains its own documentation and examples
🤝 Contributing Feel free to contribute by:
Opening issues for suggestions Creating pull requests with improvements Sharing additional learning resources
📝 License [https://github.com/akhileshmishrabiz/Devops-zero-to-hero/blob/main/LICENSE]
✨ Connect
[LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/akhilesh-mishra-0ab886124/]
[Topmate: https://topmate.io/akhilesh_mishra/ ]
[Twitter: https://x.com/livingdevops]
[Medium: https://medium.com/@akhilesh-mishra ]
[Website: https://livingdevops.com ]