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Apr 2023

Past due by about 1 year 0% complete

Work after 1..3 pilot projects with "customers" actual web apps.

Main features

  • Ability to use other serverless backend than Firebase

    This is huge, since the repo started as a study on top of ES modules and Firebase. However, it seems Nature Tech startups don't really use Firebase that much (one spotted, among 100 or so). MongoDB Atlas or Supabase might …

Work after 1..3 pilot projects with "customers" actual web apps.

Main features

  • Ability to use other serverless backend than Firebase

    This is huge, since the repo started as a study on top of ES modules and Firebase. However, it seems Nature Tech startups don't really use Firebase that much (one spotted, among 100 or so). MongoDB Atlas or Supabase might be the next implementations, depending on actual use cases.

    Note: Firebase would still be supported. This gets interesting.

Likely minor features

  • Grafana Faro for metrics