A Infrastructure-as-Code Provisioner for creating a cluster of Fedora CoreOS machines running the Hashistack to quickly get up and running both in development and production.
Made by SigaMeCar with love for the OSS community.
To get started, you need the server machines already running, as at the moment this provisioner only creates the client machines. In future, it will be able to provision both server and client machines.
Before starting, you need to do a few steps:
For accessing the machines via SSH, you need to generate a new SSH key:
$ ssh-keygen -f path/to/ssh/key
If you already have a SSH key you'd like to use, you can continue without generating a new one
Note: This step is optional if you are deploying barebones configurations, but required if you are deploying KVM machines.
This configuration runs on the assumption that:
You have Fedora CoreOS qcow2 file already stored on the default pool ready to provision the other machines automatically
Note: To download the CoreOS qcow2, please visit the CoreOS Download Page. Make sure to download the virtualized QEMU entry.
For future reference: Some FirewallD distros does block it by default, check your libvirt rules in case of communication errors such as
Connection Refused
If you have a fresh installed KVM setup, you already have it, you can check this via:
$ virsh net-info default
Name: default
UUID: f63c210f-67e7-4aed-8d21-066d9fd6c7d6
Active: no
Persistent: yes
Autostart: no
Bridge: virbr0
If the default network is missing, create /tmp/default.xml
with the following contents. (Optionally, use DHCP host entries to always assign the same IP address to a particular VM.)
<bridge name="virbr0"/>
<forward mode="nat"/>
<ip address="" netmask="">
<range start="" end=""/>
Use /tmp/default.xml
to create the default network.
$ sudo virsh net-define /tmp/default.xml
$ sudo virsh net-start default
$ sudo virsh net-autostart default
Source: NAT-based network - libvirt Networking Handbook by Jamie Nguyen
Create a config.tfvars
file following the template below:
ssh_key_path = "path/to/ssh/key" # The SSH key that will be put on `.ssh/authorized_keys`
nomad_version = "1.4.3" # Check Nomad website for the latest version
consul_version = "1.14.1" # Check Consul website for the latest version
driver_podman_version = "0.4.1" # Check https://github.com/hashicorp/nomad-driver-podman for latest version
cni_version = "1.1.1" # Check https://github.com/containernetworking/plugins for latest version
coreos_image = "coreos.qcow2" # The name of the CoreOS image that will be used, can be ignored if using barebones only
coreos_image_pool = "default" # The pool that the CoreOS image can be found at, can be ignored if using barebones only
# OPTIONAL: Can be omitted if you'd like to only run through KVM
barebones = {
networks = {
"my_prod_network" = {
address = "", # Must be a valid CIDR identifying the network
domain = "production.local" # The root domain for the machines
masters = {
"barebones_masters_alpha" = {
network = "main_net", # The network name as defined on `barebones.networks`
slaves = {
"barebones_slaves_alpha" = {
network = "main_net", # The network name as defined on `barebones.networks`
meta = { my_key = "my_value" } # Any custom metadata you'd like to define on the machine
# OPTIONAL: Can be omitted if you'd like to only run through Barebones
kvm = {
networks = {
"my_dev_network" = {
mode = "nat", # KVM Network mode, supports NAT, Route, Bridge & None
address = "", # Valid CIDR identifying the network, will be used to give the IP address to each machine
domain = "development.local", # The root domain for the machines
dns_forwarder = "" # The fallback DNS if Consul cannot resolve a DNS lookup
masters = {
"kvm_masters_alpha" = {
network = "my_dev_network", # The network name as defined on `kvm.networks`
vcpu = 2, # How many vCPU's will be issued for the machine
memoryMB = 2 * 1024, # How much memory the machine will have (in MB)
diskSize = 50 * 1024, # How much disk storage the machine will have (in MB)
slaves = {
"kvm_slaves_alpha" = {
network = "my_dev_network", # The network name as defined on `kvm.networks`
vcpu = 2, # How many vCPU's will be issued for the machine
memoryMB = 2 * 1024, # How much memory the machine will have (in MB)
diskSize = 50 * 1024, # How much disk storage the machine will have (in MB)
meta = { my_key = "my_value" } # Any custom metadata you'd like to define on the machine
To use it, you can plan and apply through normal means:
$ terraform plan -var-file=path/to/local.tfvars # Plan the deployment according to your configuration file
$ terraform apply -var-file=path/to/local.tfvars # Apply the deployment according to your configuration file
If you use barebones instead of KVM, the generated .ign
files can be found at generated
To clean-up everything, you can simply run:
$ terraform destroy -var-file=path/to/local.tfvars
Note: When using barebones, it will delete the generated files in the
folder. Make sure it is fine to delete theses files before continuing.
- Contributor Covenant - Used for the Code of Conduct
- Terraform Ignition Provider - Used for generating the Fedora CoreOS configuration dynamically
- Terraform libvirt Provider - Used for interacting and provisioning with libvirt for generating the VM's
- Terraform local Provider - Used for saving the generated barebones ignition configuration
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Felipe Angelo Sgarbi - Main Developer of project
- SigaMeCar - Infrastructure & Main Company behind project
- Billie Thompson - Provided README Template
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 License - see the LICENSE.md file for details