AI Skunks Jobs Database
Script 1
The web scrapper takes a list of job keywords from a SQL database (e.g. finance, or machine learning) and a list of cities (e.g. Boston) and scraps job postings from and puts those links into a SQL database.
Script 2
Looks for job urls that have not been visted and scraps job information from a specific job listing and puts that into a SQL database
Bot Script 1 The twitter bot takes a list of job keywords from a SQL database (e.g. finance, or machine learning) and gets the json for those keywords and saves the json files.
Bot Script 2
Takes the twitter json files and removes duplicates and extracts usefull information and add longitude and latitude and stores the twiiter data in a SQL database
Bot Script 3
Outputs as csv file subsets of the twiiter data (e.g. machine learning tweets from June 1, 20022 to July 1, 2022)