Estimate the number of concurrent speakers from single channel mixtures to crack the "cocktail-party” problem which is based on a Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BLSTM) which takes into account a past and future temporal context.
Layer | Layer Name | Input Shape | Output Shape |
the First Layer | BLSTM_1 | (?, 500, 201) | (?, 500, 60) |
the Second Layer | BLSTM_2 | (?, 500, 60) | (?, 500, 40) |
the Third Layer | BLSTM_3 | (?, 500, 40) | (?, 500, 80) |
the Fourth Layer | maxpooling1d | (?, 500, 80) | (?, 250, 80) |
the Fifth Layer | flatten | (?, 250, 80) | (?, 20000) |
the Sixth Layer | dense | (?, 20000) | (?, 11) |
the Seventh Layer | activation | (?, 11) | (?, 11) |
"?" represents the number of samples.
- librosa
- soundfile
- Keras (my test version: 2.1.1)
- Tensorflow (my test version: 1.4.0)
- Anaconda3 (Contains Python3.5+)
It is called LibriCount10 0dB Dataset.
- contains a simulated cocktail party environment of [0..10] speakers
- mixed with 0dB SNR
- 5 seconds of recording
- 16bits, 16kHz, mono
- 11440 Samples, 832.5 MB
The annotation provides information about the speakers sex, their unique speaker_id, and vocal activity within the mixture recording in samples. The format of json file (3 speakers) is as follows:
"sex": "F",
"activity": [[0, 51076], [51396, 55400], [56681, 80000]],
"speaker_id": 1221
"sex": "F",
"activity": [[0, 51877], [56201, 80000]],
"speaker_id": 3570
"sex": "M",
"activity": [[0, 15681], [16161, 68213], [73498, 80000]],
"speaker_id": 5105
As we all know, it's pretty hard to solve the cocktail-party problem. This is the first study on data-driven speaker count estimation and the first step to crack the problem. Thanks for the author's paper[Paper 2] and code which help me a lot. Their homepage is AudioLabs Erlangen CountNet.
- Paper 1: Simon Leglaive, Romain Hennequin and Roland Badeau. Singing voice detection with deep recurrent neural networks (ICASSP 2015).
- Paper 2: Fabian-Robert Stöter, Soumitro Chakrabarty, Bernd Edler and Emanuël A. P. Habets. Classification vs. Regression in Supervised Learning for Single Channel Speaker Count Estimation (ICASSP2018).
I will work on speech separation for a long time. You can fork this repository if interested and pay close attention to my recent study.