Hey there 👋, I'm Yusuf!
- Master of Science: Computational Intelligence and Data Analytics at Cranfield University
- On Medium about programing, data science and AI
- On HackerNoon about programing, data science and AI
- On Dev.to about programing, data science and AI
- Real-Time Stock Market Anomaly Detection Using Machine Learning: An End-to-End Data Engineering…
- Building Realtime Data Warehouse with Apache Airflow, Redpanda, Pinot and Superset
- Decodable vs. AWS Managed Service for Apache Flink (MSF): An End-to-End Data Engineering Showdown
- Apache Spark vs Apache Flink: Choosing the Right Tools and Technologies
- End to End Data Engineering for Data Lakehouse with Airflow, Minio, Kafka, Apache Spark, Apache…