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This project contains the RIOT firmware of the Air Quality Station

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Air Quality Station :: Firmware

This repository contains the RIOT firmware of the Air Quality Station project. You'll find two folders: RIOT and Cayenne_To_Excel.

  • RIOT
    • drivers contains all the modifications that we have brought in the driver folder of RIOT OS.
    • examples contains all the applications test that we have made to study the RIOT features and the main application of the project called Air_quality.
  • Cayenne_To_Excel contains a short C program to import and manage the downloaded datas files from Cayenne to Excel or an other spreadsheet.

Hardware requirements

Build and flash applications

  • First, you need to clone, or download, the RIOT library

  • To build the project, you need to copy the files called "drivers" and "examples" in your RIOT file

  • You need to merge and replace files

  • Each applications have a README note

You can compile the applications test and the Air_quality project in your board with the command: make flash or make flash term if you have pyterm.


How to change the standard output UART interface ?

  • In RIOT/sys/include/stdio_uart.h change this line as you want (according to your board peripheric configuration):


-> UART_DEV(0) , UART_DEV(1) ...

How to change the board Bauderate ?

  • In RIOT/sys/include/stdio_uart.h change this line as you want :

#define STDIO_UART_BAUDRATE (115200)

-> 9600, 115200 , 34800 ...

How to change the terminal Bauderate with pyterm ?

  • By enter this terminal command to flash and starting pyterm :

make flash term \ TERMFLAGS=" -p /dev/ttyACM0 -b your_bauderate"

  • Or just starting the standard output with pyterm :

make term \ TERMFLAGS=" -p /dev/ttyACM0 -b your_bauderate"

Problem often reported with make command :

  • Ok ... We think you don't have the rights on your serial port. Well try that :

sudo chmod o+rw /dev/ttyACM0

Installation RIOT OS on Linux Ubuntu

Link reference:

We installed RIOT OS on our VM based on this tutorial:

Regular Setup without using a VM (recommended for RIOT developement)

1.Install and set up git:

2.Install the build-essential packet (make, gcc etc.). This varies based on the operating system in use:

3.Install Native dependencies:

4.Install OpenOCD:

5.Install GCC Arm Embedded Toolchain:

6.Install netcat with IPv6 support (if necessary)

sudo apt-get install netcat-openbsd

7.git clone --recursive

8.Go to the Tutorials directory:

cd Tutorials

9.Install RIOT OS manual:

git clone

Todo List
