Miguel Xochicale
The field of Child-Robot Interaction, cHRI, has made great progress in the last decade, creating new child-centred programs, advancing the educational infrastructure with new code and software and open sourcing new datasets. cHRI faces different challenges in developing countries, including India, South Africa, Mexico, and Brazil. For instance, the project artificial intelligence and robotics for children, air4children, has been combining open-source hardware and software and non-traditional education to teach fundamentals of AI and Robotics in a small town in Mexico since 2014. However, there are various challenges in low-resource countries: (a) the little to none experts in Robotics and AI, (b) the high-cost of educational material (both for software and hardware), (c) the limited child-centred material aligned to the values of their communities, and (d) the qualitative and quantitative evaluation instruments for engagement and collaboration in cHRI activities. Hence, the aim of this abstract is to discuss state-of-the-art challenges and potential solutions of cHRI in low-income countries such as increasing research funding, establishing networks, communities and facilities, fostering international collaborations and creating training programs.
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CRITTER: Child-Robot Interaction and Interdisciplinary Research Workshop (13th of March 2023, Stockholm, Sweden)
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