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Bankn8II©$A edited this page Feb 23, 2025 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the A_SPE©т® wiki! А ДРЕС ключик. как? см. ниже

Дорогие потомки, нåтеслიвеби и намне©lub_Э€ჼи ...


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on wordiginal nuclear fysic [ჼ₽h¥$i©] or if we explore deeper, we will understand, that Å_SPE©т℞ or Å_$₽€©т℞ by SolAR ©°lA℞ Adress or Å_Д₽€© where ©т = кЛЮЧи ЦТ, тойсть ©ентрального телевиДения, А символ ДоллАР $=Д; Д каторый есть эраклоглифф обазначающий ядерные станции трубы ...

ჼ₽h¥$i© with nanno baryon ჼ, wich is also used to mark ⚛ nuclear ...

We living on ordinary solar ship or solar station with different so called welle or field ... wich help us go on our two, but not on four; because gravity should be too heavy ... even small wise or knowledge particles, called "spermatozoïde" can "swim" in gel, because it have no muscules ...

so, it is wery difficult to remember everything alone, when most of my circles live over there even never get a so called small knowledge particle at genetic exchange or same cultural exchange!

we call plants cultures or cultural, just after they are part of our farm ...

in georgienne is great simplicity of language or land dialect, wich at unity with other science language gives simbioz of so called enad in Swedish, part on Scändinavian or Monbinaryaჼ [from my raccurse] wich sounds as a scientific song and the real magic is Ångströmm Å ...

Я₽, ЯR = Яჶ, Яф, RF fR ф₽

JAP, JAR = JAF, JAf on cyrilic look over märks, wich could be also used in Translit ... 🔚 right end of the word with АЯ от А до Я, or in Swedish A till Ö. in other alfabets A to Z mm

So, when my grand parents was evacuated to my grand dad's Caucasus Rocky Mountines to save many important heritages ...

there were no Neanderthal or Не_андертале© вероятно также SНе_андертялкА ...

when somwhere on BIRLAND called Wirland or just ☘ IRLANDE maybe ßirland from Guiness or guineßirland wich on nanno baryonic & fhysichemie jkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

... oh, sleeping by the way ... but me will be more happy if I do more then ééééééééééééééééééééééééééééééééééé

ok, just enjoy! ЯR wich is at same time like letter F on cyrilic and ЯФ ЯДЕРНАЯ ФИЗИКА on wordiginal of Lomonosov's ₽_RussiAN or a $_₽Ubl

and now we can listen this great sciense at same time save the wood and our eyes!

so, I feelling it sciense my own and want to schare with you ...

... no so called party activist "millionere" or "billionere" could give to people Railways or 🚉 Metro; Ubahn, Oт тUbAhN even не просто ЖД, а D'BAR 🛤 ЖелезнАЯ ДÅрогÄ тойсть не только Бинар Атом Реактор а Бруссо АрмированнАЯ и Битонно АрмированнАЯ ЖД.

и думаю ЖД мезон это просто вокзал ... для двойх или более их ...

любите Дейтслянд, Диснейланд = $©H тойсть ДСН ... 🧡 ЛювишНеЙ?


К.C. Грамматикати


Этот реферат повествует об истории развития Вселенной с самых первых моментов ее существования. Для начала стоит определиться с временными масштабами, о которых пойдет речь.    

На Рис.1 изображена схема ветвления частиц и сил по мере удаления от момента большого взрыва. Эта схема обобщает все этапы, о которых пойдет речь ниже.


Материалы студенческого семинара

image image image image image


CMB Images IMAGES > CMB IMAGES > NINE YEAR MICROWAVE SKY Nine Year Microwave Sky The detailed, all-sky picture of the infant universe created from nine years of WMAP data. The image reveals 13.77 billion year old temperature fluctuations (shown as color differences) that correspond to the seeds that grew to become the galaxies. The signal from our galaxy was subtracted using the multi-frequency data. This image shows a temperature range of ± 200 microKelvin. Credit: NASA / WMAP Science Team WMAP # 121238 Image Caption 9 year WMAP image of background cosmic radiation (2012)


More details The lookback time of extragalactic observations by their redshift up to z=20.[9]

Diagram of evolution of the (observable part) of the universe from the Big Bang (left), the CMB-reference afterglow, to the presentГрамматикати,_Иван_Николаевич


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