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AI support for Org Babel source blocks



An extension for org-mode that allows execution of source code blocks via an AI backend.

ob-ai extension demo


Installation via MELPA

It's easiest/recommended to install from MELPA. Here's a minimal MELPA configuration for your ~/.emacs:

(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . ""))

Afterwards, M-x package-install RET ob-ai RET (you might want to M-x package-refresh-contents RET beforehand if you haven't done so recently).

Installation via GIT

Clone this repository somewhere

$ cd ~/.emacs.d/plugins
$ git clone --recursive
$ git clone --recursive

Add the following in your .emacs file:

(add-to-list 'load-path
(add-to-list 'load-path
(require 'ob-ai)


Add the following code to your configuration file:

(require 'ob-ai)
 '((restclient . t)))
 (add-to-list 'org-src-lang-modes '("ai" . text))

If you are using use-package, then use the following code:

(use-package ob-ai
  :config (progn
            (org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages
                                         (append org-babel-load-languages '((ai . t))))
            (add-to-list 'org-src-lang-modes '("ai" . text))))

To use OpenAI backends, you need to obtain an authorization key. You can get the key on the page.

There are several ways to assign your key to the variable ai--openai--api-key.

  1. Put (setq ai--openai--api-key "you key") in the configuration file.
  2. Use the command M-x set-variable ai--openai--api-key.
  3. Use the command M-x customize-variable ai--openai--api-key.

Adding backend

Due to the specifics of org-babel, synchronous backends are used. The current package includes two backends that operate through the OpenAI API.

The extension stores all the used backends as an alist in the variable ai--org-babel-backends. The current backend is contained in the variable ai-org-babel-backend.

Adding backend to the list:

(add-to-list 'ai--org-babel-backends '("SuperAI backend" . super-ai-backend))

If you want to write your own backend, take a look at the source code of the ai--openai--chat-ob-sync-query function.

How to use

Declare a code block in a document using the #+begin_src ai ... #+end_src construction, place your content inside the block that will be sent to AI and execute it using the C-c C-c command.

Configuring the executable block

For each executable block, you can change the execution parameters: the used model, the used backend, timeout, maximum number of tokens, etc.

Parameters are passed in the format :param value in the begin_src line.

The following customization options are available. The set may vary depending on the backend used.

  • :backend - overrides the backend used to execute the block;
  • :model - changes the AI model used;
  • :max-tokens - changes the maximum number of tokens in the response;
  • :timeout - changes the request timeout value.

Examples of blocks

The simplest block without parameters:

#+begin_src ai
What are generative AIs?

After executing this block, a block with approximately the following content will appear. The content will vary depending on the AI response.

#+begin_src ai
In what year were light bulbs invented?

The first light bulb was invented in 1879 by Thomas Edison.
#+begin_src ai :backend ai--openai--completions-ob-sync-query :model text-davinci-003 :max-tokens 200 :timeout 35
What are generative AIs?

You can see other examples in the file

Available commands

ai-change-org-babel-backend - allows you to change the current backend to another one from the list ai--org-babel-backends.