Tess4J (A Java JNA wrapper for Tesseract OCR API)
Java SE Development Kit 8
First of all setup the development environment. http://tess4j.sourceforge.net/tutorial/
Download Tess4j (http://sourceforge.net/projects/tess4j/). Then Add these jar files to the classpath. jai_imageio.jar, jna.jar, commons-io-2.4.jar, tess4j.jar. Try to run this sample code (http://tess4j.sourceforge.net/codesample.html). Make sure tessdata folder are in the search path. If everything went Awesome till now then just import the project into your workspace and enjoy solving the sudoku present in the newspaper,magazines or online. To improve the accuracy of OCR, capture the sudoku with flash on.
It is the main file of Project. Compile and Run it to see the GUI.
Sudoku puzzle must be present inside a grid.
See testcases folder to get the idea about how to take the sudoku pic before Testing it on app.