You will send url for a playlist or channel on YouTube, and it will save its content in db
- views
- title
- thumbnail
- duration
- url
- image path (after downloading it)
NOTE ::: Videos' thumbnail are downloaded in the background
Using Controller, Service, Repository Pattern
Docker should be installed locally
- copy
in same path to be.env
- change its content to what you need
- run in terminal
docker-compose up -d
call in postman or curl POST http://localhost:YOUR_APP_PORT_IN_ENV/api/v1/videos/scrap
with form data has key called url
(check collection)
data can be considered as non-structured so I used mongo db -
a light-weight framework to have apisflask_pymongo
to establish connection to mongowtforms
to validate request
to load environment variables -
to call external URL -
a module in Python to scrap the content of url- I found the videos inside a variable in script tag, so I had to search for it in string and print its value to a file and load it again as json
eg. for woking urls