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This repository is Software Carpentry's template for creating websites for workshops. Do not fork this repository directly on GitHub. Instead, follow the instructions below to create a website repository for your workshop (and possibly a second repository for your learners to use in your Git lessons).

If you are teaching Git, you should create a separate repository for learners to use in that lesson. You should not have them use the workshop website repository because:

  • your workshop website repository contains many files that most learners don't need to see during the lesson, and

  • you probably don't want to accidentally merge a damaging pull request from a novice Git user into your workshop's website while you are using it to teach.

Semi-Automated Setup

  1. Download the workshop website creation script from

  2. Make sure that you are not inside another Git repository.

  3. Run the workshop website creation script with no parameters - it will print a help message telling you what parameters it needs.

  4. Run the script with those parameters.

  5. Go into your newly-created repository.

  6. Edit index.html. Hints are embedded in the file, and full instructions are in

  7. If you have installed the software described below:

    1. Check your changes by running tools/ inside your repository.

    2. Preview your changes by running tools/preview and looking at _site/index.html.

  8. Commit your changes and push to the gh-pages branch of your repository.

  9. Send the workshop coordinators the URL for your GitHub repository.

If the identifier for your workshop is 2015-07-01-esu, and your GitHub username is ghopper, your workshop repository will be and the website for your workshop will be (Note: the workshop coordinators will want the former URL, not the latter.)

Manual Setup

You can set up your repository manually instead of using the automated create script. As above, we will assume that your user ID is ghopper and the identifier for your workshop is 2015-07-01-esu.

  1. Create an empty repository on GitHub called 2015-07-01-esu.

  2. Clone the template repository to your computer in a directory with the same name as your workshop identifier:

    $ git clone -b gh-pages -o upstream 2015-07-01-esu
  3. Go into that directory using

    $ cd 2015-07-01-esu
  4. Add your GitHub repository as a remote called origin using

    $ git remote add origin
  5. Edit index.html. Hints are embedded in the file, and full instructions are in

  6. If you have installed the software described below:

    1. Check your changes by running tools/ inside your repository.

    2. Preview your changes by running tools/preview and looking at _site/index.html.

  7. Commit your changes and push to the gh-pages branch of your repository.

  8. Manually add the other instructors as collaborators to your Github repository.

  9. Send the workshop coordinators the URL for your GitHub repository.

Note that SSH cloning (as opposed to the HTTPS cloning used above) will also work for those who have set up SSH keys with GitHub.

Previewing Changes Locally

In order to preview the workshop website locally on your computer, you must install the software described below.

If you aren't able to install this software (or you just can't be bothered), you can still create a website for your workshop. Every time you push a change to your website respository the live website will update automatically, so you can check your changes on the live site instead of locally.

  1. Jekyll 1.0.3

    1. Check Ruby is installed and the version using command line:

      $  ruby -v

      Note: The following commands need a minimum version of 1.9.3 to install and operate.

    2. Install github-pages:

      $ gem install github-pages

      or if that doesn't work:

      $ gem install jekyll
      $ gem install kramdown

      We use Kramdown to translate Markdown into HTML, instead of the default Redcarpet, because Kramdown handles Markdown inside HTML blocks.

  2. The Python YAML module

    If you are using the Anaconda Python distribution, you probably already have it; if you don't, you can install it with:

    $ conda install pyyaml

    If you are using some other distribution, you can install the Python YAML module using Pip:

    $ pip install pyyaml

    and if you are on Debian Linux, you can use:

    $ apt-get install python-yaml

For More Information

Please see the following for more information on:

Getting Help

Mail us at [email protected], or join our discussion list and ask for help there.

If you find bugs or would like to suggest improvements, please file an issue here or mail us.


Template for workshop websites.







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