A simple Python script to help Amazon sellers download FBA invoices, based on Amazon Seller Web API.
Python 3
Python moduleargparse
Python module- Amazon seller account (+ a session cookie)
- Print the help:
$ python FBAInvoicesDL.py -h
usage: FBAInvoicesDL [-h] [-dl] cookie params
Get FBA invoices
positional arguments:
cookie Session cookie
params Search constraints (ex: limit=30&sort=order_date_desc)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-dl, --download Flag to enable download of invoices
- Download the fba invoices of the 2 last orders:
$ python FBAInvoicesDL.py [your-sessin-cookie] "limit=2&sort=order_date_desc" -dl
------------- 403-1111111-2222222
------------- 171-3333333-4444444
------------- Summary: 2/2 invoices successfully found.
- Successfully found invoices iDs:
['403-1111111-2222222', '171-3333333-4444444']
- Errors encoutered for invoices IDs:
$ ls
Invoice 403-1111111-2222222.pdf Invoice 171-3333333-4444444.pdf
- Other valid constraints: see Amazon Seller Web API documentation.