This repository includes the complete export of the Atlas App Services Application, Financial Ticker Analysis. Please follow the guideline below to make it ready for use.
- Time to complete: 30 minutes after an Atlas Cluster has been provisioned
Have a MongoDB Cloud Account ->
Provision a minimum M10 Database Cluster
Create the following collections (keep the database and collection names the same otherwise you'll need to change config)
Collection name:
use exchange db.createCollection("cryptoTickerCoinbase", { "timeseries" : { "timeField" : "time", "metaField" : "symbol", "granularity" : "seconds" }, "expireAfterSeconds": 259200 } ) db.cryptoTickerCoinbase.createIndex({ symbol: 1, time:1 }) db.cryptoTickerCoinbase.createIndex({ time:1 })
Collection name:
use exchange db.createCollection("cryptoTickerBinance", { "timeseries" : { "timeField" : "time", "metaField" : "symbol", "granularity" : "seconds" }, "expireAfterSeconds": 259200 } ) db.cryptoTickerBinance.createIndex({ symbol: 1, time:1 }) db.cryptoTickerBinance.createIndex({ time:1 })
Create an App in Atlas App Services
- Provide a name for your application
- Choose the Atlas cluster that you want to connect from this application
- Automatically necessary Linked Data Source will be created.
- You can find an example in the below.
Enable hosting in your Atlas App Services Application
- Check this out:
Authenticate to the Application via
after you created the API key -
Verify that you've logged in successfully:
$ realm-cli whoami Currently logged in user: qrjaulcs (********-****-****-****-ad082b5d4380)
Export this App Services Application into the local directory
- Get the application id from the user interface
- And pass it to the utility as shown in the below
- You will be required to choose the project
$ realm-cli pull --remote tickerapplication-blhjj --include-hosting $ cd TickerApplication/
Clone this git repository. And change the current directory to this folder.
cd git clone cd mongodb-ticker-analysis-atlas-app
Copy the following folders from the cloned repository to the your App Services Application that you pulled into your local drive.
- Assumed that current directory is the cloned repository and
is the folder where you pulled your App Services App into.
$ cp -r app/functions ../TickerApp/ $ cp -r app/values ../TickerApp/ $ cp -r app/triggers ../TickerApp/ $ cp -r app/hosting/files ../TickerApp/hosting/ $ cp -r app/data_sources/mongodb-atlas/exchange ../TickerApp/data_sources/mongodb-atlas/ $ cp -r app/auth ../TickerApp/
- Assumed that current directory is the cloned repository and
Change the REALM_APP_ID variable value in the
file with your App Services Application id.config.js
file is in thehosting/files/
folder of your application:REALM_APP_ID = "tickerapplication-blhjj" window['getConfig'] = { "REALM_APP_ID": `${REALM_APP_ID}` }
Make sure you have the following folder structure after you've completed all the operations above.
Make sure you are on the root folder of your App Services Application. And then push the local changes into the remote
$ realm-cli push --include-hosting
- Confirm the changes if it's asked
Enable Single Page Application in App Services Hosting.
Static hosting will not be ready immediately. In the meantime, you can check the collections that needs to be filled with the records by Scheduled Trigger. Check the number of records for the following collections:
use exchange db.cryptoTickerBinance.countDocuments() db.cryptoTickerCoinbase.countDocuments()
After 10-15 minutes, visit the hosting.
- You should see the Latest Information section data to be filled out in a few seconds. Basically, it runs some queries on the database to fetch some statistics.
- You should see the Currency combobox to be filled out currencies.
- Example screenshot:
- Try to run some reports:
This repository has static hosting files that includes compiled React Web App. In order to update the React Web Application, please have a look at the other repository that includes source code of the React Web App.
After you've completed your changes for React Web App, built it and upload the built folder accordingly into the App Services Hosting.