Amazon Web Services offers a compute power on demand capability known as the Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). The server resources in the cloud can be provisioned on demand by making HTTP Query API calls to EC2.
Gramazon is an interface library that can be used to interact with the Amazon EC2 system and control server resources on demand from your Groovy scripts or from Gradle, using a plug-in.
Before you can make use of this code you will need an Amazon Web Services developer account which you can sign up for at This account must also be specifically enabled for Amazon EC2 usage. AWS will provide you with an ‘AWS Access Key ID’ and a ‘Secret Access Key’ which will allow you to authenticate any API calls you make and ensure correct billing to you for usage of the service. Take note of these (and keep them secret!).
Gramazon is built using Gradle. Install Gradle and type:
gradle clean build
Please note that the build also executes some tests against Amazon EC2. In order for the tests to pass, a '' file has to be created inside /src/test/resources
. The file must contain the following key/value pairs properties:
aws.accessKeyId=XXXXXXXXX # the amazon ec2 access key
aws.secretKey=the amazon ec2 secret key
aws.defaultAmi=XXXX # the default AMI id to use in the tests
aws.defaultKeypair=XXXXX # the default key pair
aws.defaultSecurity=XXXXXXX # the default security group
aws.defaultEBSSize=-1 # set to -1 to use the standard AMI ESB size
The easiest way to use Gramazon in a Groovy script is by importing the dependency using Grape.
Alternatively, the library can be imported using your favourite build tool.
Gramazon has currently one main class, EC2Client
which is invoked like so:
def ec2 = new EC2Client('eu-west-1')
The class requires that the EC2 region is specified in the constructor. For a list of available regions, please refer to this document.
In order for the class to connect to the Amazon EC2 cloud infrastructure, the Access Key ID and the Secret Key must be specified. If you don't know these values, access this page to get them (you need an active Amazon EC2 account). The the Access Key ID and the Secret Key are passed to Gramazon as system properties.
System.setProperty("aws.accessKeyId", '#################')
System.setProperty("aws.secretKey", '####################################')
For a list of available methods, please refer to the Groovydoc documentation available in the Groovydoc pages .
This code is massively dependant on the Amazon SDK for Java.
Comments, patches, Git pull requests and bug reports are welcome. Send an email to [email protected].
Please follow these steps if you want to send a patch or a GitHub pull request:
Fork aestasit/gramazon
Create a topic branch:
git checkout -b my_fix
Make sure you add tests for your changes and that they all pass with
gradle test
Commit your changes, one change/fix per commit
Push your fixes branch:
git push origin my_fix
Open an Issue on GitHub referencing your branch and send a pull request.
Please do not push to
on your fork. Using a feature/bugfix branch will make everyone’s life easier.
The Aestas Team