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Service that subscribes to AWS CloudWatch logs for Franklin services and pushes them to Coralogix.


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Franklin Coralogix Feeder

Service that subscribes to CloudWatch logs for Franklin services and pushes them to Coralogix.


codecov CircleCI GitHub license GitHub issues LGTM Code Quality Grade: JavaScript semantic-release


The AWS Console has an issue where a subscription filter can not be added with a specific version or alias, we therefore recommend to use the AWS CLI.

Given the service you want to push logs into Coralogix for, e.g. helix-services--my-service, use the following command:

$ aws logs put-subscription-filter \
  --log-group-name /aws/lambda/helix-services--my-service \
  --filter-name helix-coralogix-feeder \
  --filter-pattern '[timestamp=*Z, request_id="*-*", event]' \
  --destination-arn 'arn:aws:lambda:<region>:<accountid>:function:helix-services--coralogix-feeder:v1'

If you get an error that CloudWatch is not allowed to execute your function, add the following permission:

aws lambda add-permission \
    --function-name 'arn:aws:lambda:<region>:<accountid>:function:helix-services--coralogix-feeder:v1' \
    --statement-id 'CloudWatchInvokeCoralogixFeeder' \
    --principal '' \
    --action 'lambda:InvokeFunction' \
    --source-arn 'arn:aws:logs:<region>:<accountId>:log-group:/aws/lambda/helix-services--my-service:*' \
    --source-account '<accountId>'

The service uses the following environment variables:

Name Description Required Default
CORALOGIX_API_KEY Coralogix Private Key Yes -
CORALOGIX_SUBSYSTEM Subsystem No second segment in log group name, e.g. helix-services

If delivery to Coralogix fails, the service will send the unprocessed messages to the AWS SQS queue named helix-coralogix-feeder-dlq.


Deploying Franklin Coralogix Feeder

All commits to main that pass the testing will be deployed automatically. All commits to branches that will pass the testing will get commited as helix-services--coralogix-feeder@ci<num> and tagged with the CI build number.