It is a command-line utility to select files.
Place in same folder as your python project and use it as follows:
from FilePicker import FilePicker
selectedFiles = FilePicker(path, permission)
-the directory path where you want to pick files
-if not supplied or if supplied path is bad(does not exists, inaccessible), defaultPath is used
-defaultPath is set to current working directory, can be changed in
-is permission for others(not owner and not groups)
-can be a valid combination of rwx, only files/folders with given permission are shown
-if not specified or if specified permission is bad(invalid permission, nothing matches given permission), default permission is used
-defaultPermission is set to "r", can be changed in
-it will be a list with full path of selected files
FilePicker prints all files/folders, in the given path having supplied permission, with a number preceding it and a trailing "[DIR]" if its a folder:
0 file1
1 file2
2 folder1 [DIR]
3 folder2 [DIR]
Input numbers seperated by commas to select files/folders crossponding to those number, after selecting all files if there is a directory it will switch to that directory to offer selection.
Selects every entry listed, it is not recursive so if there is a directory in selection, after selecting all files, it will switch to that directory to offer selection there.
To select using regular expression, input regular expression in this format:
r regularExpression
small "r",without quotes, followed by a whitespace then your regular expression.