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Agile Group Project

Steps to Run Project:

  1. Download the Xamp Server from the given link Windows/macOS:Xampp Download
  2. Install the Xampp in your system, To know about installation process you can watch this video for help: LInk to video
  3. Click "Start" on Apache and MySQL
  4. Clone this reposotry "C:\xampp\htdocs\"
  5. IMP Server Config things : Open XAMP Server -> Apache -> click on Config button -> php.ini -> change ";extension=gd" to "extension=gd" remove semicolon at start. Then restart the server.
  6. On Xamp server click on Admin button besides MySQL
  7. Create database by clicking on "+new" on the left side of the screen
  8. Name the Database 'infigreen_db' in the textbox having filler text 'Database name' and click on create.
  9. Select infigreen database on left side below new.
  10. Go to import in the header and then select database file named 'infigreen_db' from path "C:\xampp\htdocs\Team7-Agile\database\infigreen_db.sql" and click on import button.
  11. Now go to Xampp control panel and click on 'admin' button beside Apache and write down the path in URL of the browser for client side of browser: 'http://localhost/Team7-Agile/' (for admin side use path url 'http://localhost/Team7-Agile/admin')
  12. client side username: "dhwaniltest" and password: "dhwaniltest@123"
  13. admin side username: "Tessy" and password: "tessy@123"