Agile Group Project
- Download the Xamp Server from the given link Windows/macOS:Xampp Download
- Install the Xampp in your system, To know about installation process you can watch this video for help: LInk to video
- Click "Start" on Apache and MySQL
- Clone this reposotry "C:\xampp\htdocs\"
- IMP Server Config things : Open XAMP Server -> Apache -> click on Config button -> php.ini -> change ";extension=gd" to "extension=gd" remove semicolon at start. Then restart the server.
- On Xamp server click on Admin button besides MySQL
- Create database by clicking on "+new" on the left side of the screen
- Name the Database 'infigreen_db' in the textbox having filler text 'Database name' and click on create.
- Select infigreen database on left side below new.
- Go to import in the header and then select database file named 'infigreen_db' from path "C:\xampp\htdocs\Team7-Agile\database\infigreen_db.sql" and click on import button.
- Now go to Xampp control panel and click on 'admin' button beside Apache and write down the path in URL of the browser for client side of browser: 'http://localhost/Team7-Agile/' (for admin side use path url 'http://localhost/Team7-Agile/admin')
- client side username: "dhwaniltest" and password: "dhwaniltest@123"
- admin side username: "Tessy" and password: "tessy@123"