Json Abstract Base Class
JSONABC is a minimal, pythonic JSON to class serializer. It has zero dependencies which makes it very lightweight. It provide a very minimal API with few options and play nicely with python type checking.
pip install jsonabc
example 1 (simple)
from jsonabc import JSONABC
# All you need to do is define JSONABC as your metaclass
class Response(metaclass=JSONABC):
args: dict
headers: dict
origin: str
url: str
resp = requests.get("https://httpbin.org/get")
json_data = resp.json()
# Your class can now take a single dict and automatically validate and parse it.
obj = Response(response)
# obj attributes now have their correspondent values from our json data.
# you can also convert your class back to its json form.
# JSONABC will preserve the same names for the original json keys.
example 2 (composite)
from jsonabc import JSONABC
# You can also define composite values instead of using dicts
class Headers(metaclass=JSONABC):
accept: str
accept_encoding: str
class Response(metaclass=JSONABC):
args: dict
headers: Headers
origin: str
url: str
resp = requests.get("https://httpbin.org/get")
json_data = resp.json()
obj = Response(response)
# headers attr is now an instance of Headers with the same behavior as Response