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These are my dotfiles for my bash profile, aliases and vim plugins.

If you wish to use this has a starting point, I suggest forking the repo and then amending gitconfig to use your own details.

Also find some of my first installs on a fresh system. Feel free to message me on twitter (@adamgeorgeson) if you have any suggestions.

These files are currently in use on Max OSX 10.10.2.


Clone into ~/dotfiles/

Then add symlinks in your ~/ directory

  • $ cd ~/
  • $ ln -nfs ~/dotfiles/vim/ .vim
  • $ ln -nfs ~/dotfiles/vimrc .vimrc
  • $ ln -nfs ~/dotfiles/bash_profile .bash_profile
  • $ ln -nfs ~/dotfiles/bash_aliases .bash_aliases
  • $ ln -nfs ~/dotfiles/gitconfig .gitconfig

Install Vim Plugins & Themes

  • $ git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
  • $ vim ~/dotfiles/vimrc
  • :source %
  • :PluginInstall

You're also going to want Powerline Fonts for vim-Airline to look right.

I suggest having a look in vimrc and referencing vim-awesome to make sure you know what each does, and of course add/remove plugins.

Vundle is being used to manage plugins.

In the included vimrc:


  • NerdTREE - A tree explorer plugin for vim.
  • ctrl-p - Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder.


  • vim-fugitive - A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal.
  • vim-merginal - Fugitive extension to manage and merge Git branches.

Language Specific


  • Badwolf - A Vim color scheme.
  • vim-Airline - lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air.


  • Supertab - Perform all your vim insert mode completions with Tab.
  • Syntastic - Syntax checking hacks for vim.
  • tcomment_vim - An extensible & universal comment vim-plugin that also handles embedded filetypes.
  • vim-better-whitespace - Better whitespace highlighting for Vim.
  • vim-endwise - Wisely add "end" in ruby, endfunction/endif/more in vim script, etc.
  • vim-livedown - Vim plugin for Livedown. Markdown Preview in browser.
  • vim-rspec - Run Rspec specs from Vim.

Other things I use

  • Trailer - Manage github pull requests and receive notifications.
  • Alfred - Alternative to Mac OSX Spotlight.
  • Caffeine - Keep Mac OSX awake.
  • F.lux - Adapt display for how late at night you're coding/procrastinating.
  • Rails Panel - Chrome developer tools extension for Rails development.
  • Better Errors - Better error page for Rack apps.
  • Sequel Pro - MySQL Database Management.
  • Hub - Hub is a command line tool that wraps git in order to extend it with extra features and commands that make working with GitHub easier.
  • RubyCritic - RubyCritic is a gem that wraps around static analysis gems such as Reek, Flay and Flog to provide a quality report of your Ruby code.