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GNU Guile 2.2 GNU Guile 3.0

guile-oauth is an OAuth client module for Guile. It supports the following features:

  • OAuth 1.0a: HMAC-SHA1 and PLAINTEXT signatures.

  • OAuth 2.0: Authorization Code and Client Credentials grant types.

It depends on the following Guile version and modules:


Download the latest tarball and untar it:

If you are cloning the repository make sure you run this first:

$ autoreconf -vif

Then, run the typical sequence:

$ ./configure --prefix=<guile-prefix>
$ make
$ sudo make install

Where <guile-prefix> should preferably be the same as your system Guile installation directory (e.g. /usr).

If everything installed successfully you should be up and running:

$ guile
scheme@(guile-user)> (use-modules (oauth oauth2))

It might be that you installed guile-oauth somewhere differently than your system's Guile. If so, you need to indicate Guile where to find guile-oauth, for example:

$ GUILE_LOAD_PATH=/usr/local/share/guile/site guile


OAuth 1.0a

  • (oauth1-client-request-token url credentials [callback] #:method #:params #:params-location #:signature #:http-proc) : Obtain a request token from the server url for the given client credentials.

    • url : server URL to obtain a request token from.

    • credentials : client credentials (see make-oauth1-credentials).

    • callback : optional callback URL that the server will redirect to after authorization is completed (defaults to oob, no redirection).

    • #:method : the HTTP method to request the access token (defaults to 'POST).

    • #:params : a list of additional parameters.

    • #:params-location : location where OAuth protocol parameters will be sent, 'header (default), 'query or 'body.

    • #:signature : the signature algorithm to use (defaults to oauth1-signature-hmac-sha1).

    • #:http-proc : a procedure to provide an HTTP request implementation (defaults to (http-request).

    Returns : a service reponse that includes the request token.


    • oauth-invalid-response : if an unexpected response was returned from the server. It includes the response and body as arguments.
  • (oauth1-client-authorization-url url [request-token] #:params) : Returns a complete authorization URL given the server url and the previously obtained request-token response.

    • url : server URL to get the authorization URL from.

    • request-token : optional previously obtained request token response (defaults to #f).

    • #:params : a list of additional parameters.

    Returns : an authorization URL the client should connect to in order to grant permissions and obtain a verification code.

  • (oauth1-client-access-token url credentials request-token verifier #:method #:extra-headers #:params-location #:signature #:http-proc) : Obtain an access token from the server url for the given client credentials, request-token response and verifier.

    • url : server URL to obtain an access token from.

    • credentials : client credentials (see make-oauth1-credentials).

    • request-token : this is the request token obtained with oauth1-client-request-token.

    • verifier : the verification code obtained from authorization URL.

    • #:method : the HTTP method to request the access token (defaults to 'POST).

    • #:extra-headers : a list of additional HTTP headers.

    • #:params-location : location where OAuth protocol parameters will be sent, 'header (default), 'query or 'body.

    • #:signature : the signature algorithm to use (defaults to oauth1-signature-hmac-sha1).

    • #:http-proc : a procedure to provide an HTTP request implementation (defaults to (http-request).

    Returns : a service response that includes the access token.


    • oauth-invalid-response : if an unexpected response was returned from the server. It includes the response and body as arguments.
  • (oauth1-client-http-request url credentials access-token #:method #:body #:params #:params-location #:extra-headers #:signature #:http-proc) : Access a server's protected resource url with the given client credentials and the previously obtained access-token response.

    • url : server URL resource to access.

    • credentials : client credentials (see make-oauth1-credentials).

    • access-token : the access token to access the protected resource.

    • #:method : the HTTP method to request the access token (defaults to 'GET).

    • #:body : the request body (defaults to #f).

    • #:params : a list of additional parameters.

    • #:params-location : location where OAuth protocol parameters will be sent, 'header (default), 'query or 'body.

    • #:extra-headers : a list of additional HTTP headers.

    • #:signature : the signature algorithm to use (defaults to oauth1-signature-hmac-sha1).

    • #:http-proc : a procedure to provide an HTTP request implementation (defaults to (http-request).

    Returns : a couple of values, the response and the body (as a string).

OAuth 2.0

  • (oauth2-client-authorization-url url client-id #:redirect-uri #:scopes #:params) : Returns a complete authorization URL given the server url and the client-id.

    • url : server URL to get the authorization URL from.

    • client-id: the client public identifier.

    • #:redirect-uri : the URL the user should be redirected after the user authorizes the application.

    • #:scopes : a list of scopes (given as strings).

    • #:params : a list of additional query parameters.

    Returns : Returns a couple of values: the complete authorization URL and the internally auto-generated state. The authorization URL is the URL the client should connect to in order to grant permissions and obtain an authorization code.

  • (oauth2-client-access-token-from-code url code #:client-id #:redirect-uri #:auth #:extra-headers #:http-proc) : Obtain an access token from the server url for the given code using an Authorization Code grant.

    • url : server URL to obtain an access token from.

    • code : the authorization code obtained after connecting to the authorization URL.

    • #:client-id : the client public identifier.

    • #:redirect-uri : the URL the user was redirected after the user authorizes the application.

    • #:auth : an authorization header (see oauth-http-basic-auth).

    • #:extra-headers : a list of additional HTTP headers.

    • #:http-proc : a procedure to provide an HTTP request implementation (defaults to (http-request).

    Returns : an access token.


    • oauth-invalid-response : if an unexpected response was returned from the server. It includes the response and body as arguments.
  • (oauth2-client-access-token-from-credentials url client-id client-secret #:auth-type #:extra-headers #:http-proc) : Obtain an access token from the server url using a Client Credentials grant.

    • url : server URL to obtain an access token from.

    • #:client-id : the client public identifier.

    • client-secret : the client secret.

    • #:auth-type : the authentication method to use ('header or 'params, defaults to 'header).

    • #:extra-headers : a list of additional HTTP headers.

    • #:http-proc : a procedure to provide an HTTP request implementation (defaults to (http-request).

    Returns : an access token.


    • oauth-invalid-response : if an unexpected response was returned from the server. It includes the response and body as arguments.
  • (oauth2-client-refresh-token url token #:client-id #:client-secret #:auth-type #:extra-headers #:http-proc) : Refresh an access token from the server url with the previously obtained access token. If needed, client-id and client-secret can be specified to authenticate this request.

    • url : server URL to obtain a refreshed access token from.

    • #:client-id : the client public identifier.

    • #:client-secret : the client secret.

    • #:auth-type : the authentication method to use ('header or 'params, defaults to 'header).

    • #:extra-headers : a list of additional HTTP headers.

    • #:http-proc : a procedure to provide an HTTP request implementation (defaults to (http-request).

    Returns : a new access token.


    • oauth-invalid-response : if an unexpected response was returned from the server. It includes the response and body as arguments.
  • (oauth2-client-http-request url access-token #:method #:body #:params #:extra-headers #:http-proc) : Access a server's protected resource @var{url} with the @var{access-token} previously obtained.

    • url : server URL resource to access.

    • access-token : the access token to access the protected resource.

    • #:method : the HTTP method to request the access token (defaults to 'GET).

    • #:body : the request body (defaults to #f).

    • #:params : a list of additional query parameters.

    • #:extra-headers : a list of additional HTTP headers.

    • #:http-proc : a procedure to provide an HTTP request implementation (defaults to (http-request).

    Returns : a couple of values, the response and the body (as a string).


  • (oauth-www-form-urlencoded params) : Returns an application/x-www-form-urlencoded string (key1=value1&key2=value2...) for the given params association list. Both keys and values will be encoded.

  • (oauth-parse-www-form-urlencoded str #:optional charset) : Parses the given str string of name/value pairs as defined by the content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded and returns and association list. The keys and values in the association list are strings.

  • (oauth-http-basic-auth username password) : Create an HTTP basic authorization credentials header. If username or password are false returns nil.

  • (make-oauth1-credentials key secret) : Creates new client credentials.

  • (oauth1-credentials-key credentials) : Returns the client key.

  • (oauth1-credentials-secret credentials) : Returns the client secret.

  • (make-oauth1-response token token-secret params) : Creates a new service provider response for the given token, token secret and additional service parameters.

  • (oauth1-response-token response) : Returns the token from a service provider response.

  • (oauth1-response-token-secret response) : Returns the token secret from a service provider response.

  • (oauth1-response-params response) : Returns additional parameters returns by the service provider.


OAuth 1.0a: Twitter client

The following example details how to obtain the tweets of your Twitter home timeline. A complete example is available as a web application under the examples directory.

  • Load the OAuth 1.0a module:
> (use-modules (oauth oauth1))
  • Define our Twitter URLs and application credentials:
> (define *request-url* "")
> (define *auth-url* "")
> (define *access-url* "")
> (define *home-timeline* "")
> (define *credentials* (make-oauth1-credentials "key" "secret"))

The key and secret are provided by Twitter once you register a new application at

  • Obtain a request token:
> (define request-token (oauth1-client-request-token *request-url* *credentials*))
  • Connect to the following returned URL for authorizing the request token:
> (oauth1-client-authorization-url *auth-url* request-token)

Here you will need to login to Twitter or simply authorize your application if you are already logged in.

  • Obtain the access token that will allow us to access protected resources:
> (define access-token
    (oauth1-client-access-token *access-url* *credentials* request-token "verifier"))

The verifier is the string given by Twitter in the previous step.

  • Get your tweets:
> (oauth1-client-http-request *home-timeline* *credentials* access-token)

OAuth 2.0: Reddit client

The following example details how to obtain a Reddit feed. A complete example is available as a web application under the examples directory.

  • Load the OAuth 2.0 module:
> (use-modules (oauth oauth2))
  • Define Reddit URLs:
> (define *user-agent* "guile:guile-oauth:1.0.0 (by /u/aconchillo)")
> (define *access-url* "")
> (define *reddit-feed-url* "")
  • Obtain the access token that will allow us to access protected resources using Client Credentials grant:
> (define access-token
    (oauth2-client-access-token-from-credentials *access-url* "client-id" "secret"))

The client-id and secret are provided by Reddit once you register a new application at

  • Get your reddit feed:
> (oauth2-client-http-request *reddit-feed-url* access-token
                              #:extra-headers `((user-agent . ,*user-agent*)))

The user-agent is a header required by Reddit.


Copyright (C) 2013-2022 Aleix Conchillo Flaqué [email protected]

guile-oauth is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

guile-oauth is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with guile-oauth. If not, see