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Development Methodology

Naren Dasan edited this page Apr 18, 2017 · 2 revisions

The way we work on Groot is in a sort of bi-modal development mindset. We have 2 sets of development going on at once: hardening development and feature development.

We organize priorities though releases.

  • Releases termed X.0 are hardening releases and will contain mostly bug fixes and refinements to the overarching system.

  • Releases termed X.5 are feature releases and contain new ideas we want to implement.

We have release notes tracked in the main groot repo and you will likely see X.0/X.5 releases tracked in the same doc.

We use milestones then to track the specific issues in each release

Repos will be tagged once all issues in a release have been addressed (X.0 blocks a X.5 release, but not the other way around).

We track ongoing development on the Groot project board (

What you should work on

The core team (@aashishkapur @sameetandpotatoes @bcongdon @narendasan), focus mostly on X.0 releases and we want newer developers to start working on X.5 releases.

If you want to help out check the most recent release notes and pick and X.5 issue to work on. If you need help getting started checkout the Getting Started Guide

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