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Contour Generator

Generates contour tiles in Mapbox Vector Tile (MVT) format from terrain raster-dem data using maplibre-contour. It allows maplibre-contour to work with PMTiles (local or HTTP) when the demUrl is prefixed with pmtiles:// and outputs to local MVT tiles.

This script outputs tile files in the <outputDir>/z/x/y.pbf format and generates a <outputDir>/metadata.json file. These files can be imported using mbutil. For example, to import the tiles into an mbtiles file using mbutil, the syntax would be: python3 mb-util --image_format=pbf <outputDir> output.mbtiles.

Script Parameters - Generates contour tiles based on specified function and parameters.

Usage: ./ <function> [options]

  pyramid    generates contours for a parent tile and all child tiles up to a specified max zoom level.
  zoom       generates a list of parent tiles at a specifed zoom level, then runs pyramid on each of them in parallel
  bbox       generates a list of parent tiles that cover a bounding box, then runs pyramid on each of them in parallel

General Options
  --demUrl <string>          The URL of the DEM source. (pmtiles://<http or local file path> or https://<zxyPattern>)
  --encoding <string>        The encoding of the source DEM tiles (e.g., 'terrarium', 'mapbox'). (default: mapbox)
  --sourceMaxZoom <number>   The maximum zoom level of the source DEM. (default: 8)
  --increment <number>       The contour increment value to extract. Use 0 for default thresholds.
  --outputMaxZoom <number>   The maximum zoom level of the output tile pyramid. (default: 8)
  --outputDir <string>       The output directory where tiles will be stored. (default: ./output)
  --processes <number>       The number of parallel processes to use. (default: 8)

Additional Required Options for 'pyramid':
  --x <number>               The X coordinate of the parent tile.
  --y <number>               The Y coordinate of the parent tile.
  --z <number>               The Z coordinate of the parent tile.

Additional Required Options for 'zoom':
  --outputMinZoom <number>   The minimum zoom level of the output tile pyramid. (default: 5)

Additional Required Options for 'bbox':
  --minx <number>            The minimum X coordinate of the bounding box.
  --miny <number>            The minimum Y coordinate of the bounding box.
  --maxx <number>            The maximum X coordinate of the bounding box.
  --maxy <number>            The maximum Y coordinate of the bounding box.
  --outputMinZoom <number>   The minimum zoom level of the output tile pyramid. (default: 5)

  -v|--verbose               Enable verbose output
  -h|--help                  Show this usage statement

Use with Docker

This image is published to Docker Hub as wifidb/contour-generator.

The docker image wifidb/contour-generator can be used for generating tiles in different ways

Docker Examples:

pyramid function (using Docker w/pmtiles https source):

 docker run -it -v $(pwd):/data wifidb/contour-generator \
    pyramid \
    --z 9 \
    --x 272 \
    --y 179 \
    --demUrl "pmtiles://" \
    --sourceMaxZoom 12 \
    --encoding mapbox \
    --increment 0 \
    --outputDir "/data/output_pyramid" \
    --outputMaxZoom 15 \
  # Test View Area #9/47.2542/11.5426

zoom function (using Docker w/pmtiles local source):

#Downlad the test data into your local directory

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/data wifidb/contour-generator \
    zoom \
    --demUrl "pmtiles:///data/JAXA_2024_terrainrgb_z0-Z7_webp.pmtiles" \
    --outputDir "/data/output_zoom" \
    --sourceMaxZoom 7 \
    --encoding mapbox \
    --outputMinZoom 5 \
    --outputMaxZoom 7 \
    --increment 100 \
    --processes 8 \
# Test View Area #5/47.25/11.54
# Note: some "No tile returned for" messages are normal with this JAXA dataset since there are areas without tiles

bbox function (using Docker w/zxyPattern source):

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/data wifidb/contour-generator \
    bbox \
    --minx -73.51 \
    --miny 41.23 \
    --maxx -69.93 \
    --maxy 42.88 \
    --demUrl "{z}/{x}/{y}.png" \
    --sourceMaxZoom 15 \
    --encoding terrarium \
    --increment 50 \
    --outputMinZoom 5 \
    --outputMaxZoom 10 \
    --outputDir "/data/output_bbox" \

# Test View Area #5/44.96/-73.35

Important Notes:

The -v $(pwd):/data part of the docker run command maps your local working directory $(pwd) to /data inside the Docker container. Therefore, your DEM file must be located in the /data directory inside of the docker image, and the output directory must also be in the /data directory.

Install Locally on linux

apt-get install bc #Required for bash math functions
npm install

Local Examples:

pyramid function (Run Locally w/pmtiles https source):

./ pyramid \
  --z 9 \
  --x 272 \
  --y 179 \
  --demUrl "pmtiles://" \
  --sourceMaxZoom 12 \
  --encoding mapbox \
  --increment 0 \
  --outputDir "./output_pyramid" \
  --outputMaxZoom 15 \

  #Test View Area #9/47.2542/11.5426

zoom function (Run Locally w/pmtiles local source):

#Downlad the test data into your local directory

./ zoom \
  --demUrl "pmtiles://./JAXA_2024_terrainrgb_z0-Z7_webp.pmtiles" \
  --outputDir "./output_zoom" \
  --sourceMaxZoom 7 \
  --encoding mapbox \
  --outputMinZoom 5 \
  --outputMaxZoom 7 \
  --increment 100 \
  --processes 8 \

  # Test View Area #5/47.25/11.54 
  # Note: some "No tile returned for" messages are normal with this JAXA dataset since there are areas without tiles

bbox function (Run Locally w/zxyPattern source):

./ bbox \
  --minx -73.51 \
  --miny 41.23 \
  --maxx -69.93 \
  --maxy 42.88 \
  --demUrl "{z}/{x}/{y}.png" \
  --sourceMaxZoom 15 \
  --encoding terrarium \
  --increment 50 \
  --outputMinZoom 5 \
  --outputMaxZoom 10 \
  --outputDir "./output_bbox" \

  # Test View Area #5/44.96/-73.35

Test Data License Information

AWS mapzen terrarium tiles: JAXA AW3D30: