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Schema validation toolkit for Go with Zod-like API


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Simple schema validation toolkit for Golang with Zod-like API.


Add v to your Golang project:

go get -u[email protected]

Start composing schemas, and use them to validate your data:

type Applicant struct {
	Name         string    `json:"name"`
	Email        string    `json:"email"`
	LinkedIn     string    `json:"linkedin"`
	University   string    `json:"university"`
	WAM          int       `json:"wam"`
	HasGraduated bool      `json:"has_graduated"`
	Courseworks  []string  `json:"courseworks"`
	Born         time.Time `json:"born"`

var unis = []string{"USYD", "UMELB", "UNSW"}

func isValidApplicant(a *Applicant) bool {
  	// Name must be a string [1, 128] characters long.
	name := v.String("Name").Min(1).Max(128).Parse(a.Name)

  	// Email must be of valid email format
	email := v.String("Email").Email().Parse(a.Email)

  	// URL must be of valid URL format
	linkedIn := v.String("LinkedIn").URL().Parse(a.LinkedIn)

  	// University must only be "USYD", "UMELB", "UNSW"
	university := v.Enum("University", unis).Parse(a.University)

  	// WAM is an integer
  	// - greater than or equal (GTE) to 0, and
  	// - less than or equal to (LTE) 100
	wam := v.Integer("WAM").Gte(0).Lte(100).Parse(a.WAM)

  	// Has graduated? Yes (true) or No (false)?
	hasGraduated := v.Boolean("HasGraduated").Parse(a.HasGraduated)

  	// Collection of courseworks taken
	courseworks := v.Array("Courseworks", v.String("Coursework").Schema).Parse(a.Courseworks)

  	// Day and time born following standard ISO format
	born := v.Date("Born").Max(time.Now()).Parse(a.Born)

  	// Assert whether all validation checks has passed
	return name.Ok && email.Ok && linkedIn.Ok && university.Ok &&
		wam.Ok && hasGraduated.Ok && courseworks.Ok && born.Ok

The Result struct also has other fields apart from Ok, including:

  • Errors (array of validation checks not passed)
  • Value (post-validation typesafe value, which is useful if your original data is of variable type e.g., any/interface{})
  • Path (the name you passed in for the data, e.g., MyPath123 in v.String("MyPath123"))

API Reference



Strings: String(path string)

  • Length validators: Min(minLength int), Max(maxLength int), Length(length int)
  • Email validator: Email()
  • URL validator: URL()
  • Regex validator: Regex(regex *regexp.Regexp)
  • Substring validators: Includes(substr string), StartsWith(prefix string), EndsWith(suffix string)
  • Datetime validators: Date(), Time()
  • IP validators: IP(), CIDR()
  • ID validators: UUID(), NanoID(), CUID(), CUID2(), ULID()
Number (Integer, Float)

Number: Integer(path string), Float(path string)

  • Comparison validators: Gt(lowerBound T), Gte(lowerBound T), Lt(upperBound T), Lte(upperBund T),
  • Sign validators: Positive(), NonNegative(), Negative(), NonPositive(),
  • Multiplicity validator: MultipleOf(step T)
  • Infinity validator: Finite()

Where T is int for Integer and float64 for Float


Boolean(path string)

No chaining validators available.


Date(path string)

  • Range validators: Min(earliest time.Time), Max(time.Time)
Nil, Any, Never

Nil(path string)

No chaining validators available.

Any(path string)

No chaining validators available.

Never(path string)

No chaining validators available.


If you'd given a data of which type that is encoded in another type, you can coerce the data to be encoded in the type you need:

now := v.Coerce.Date("Date").Parse("2025-01-10") // 2025-01-10 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
you_are_funny := v.Coerce.Boolean("You Are Funny").Parse("false") // false
nice := v.Coerce.Integer("Nice").Parse("69") // 69
nice2 := v.Coerce.String("Nice2").Parse(69) // "69"


Array: You can define an array schema using Array(path string, inner *core.Schema[T]), as shown in the following example:

projects := v.Array("Projects", v.String("Project").Schema)
stockPrices := v.Array("Stock Prices", v.Float("Stock Price").Schema)

Struct: This package currently doesn't provide a way to parse structs.


You can define an enum using Enum(path string, allowedValues []T), for any primitive type T

majors := []string{"Computer Science", "Software Development", "Data Science", "Cybersecurity"}
majorsEnum := v.Enum("Majors", majors)


You can define a literal using Literal[T comparable](path string, literalValue T) for any primitive type T

usPresident2025 := v.Literal("US President 2025", "Donald Trump")


This package is GPL-3.0 licensed.