This repository contains a PyTorch-based model for handwritten digit recognition using the MNIST dataset. Additionally, there's a Pygame application that allows users to draw digits and obtain real-time predictions from the trained model.
MNIST_TRAIN.ipynb : the notebook used to train the model. : the trained model. : Pygame application for drawing digits and obtaining predictions.
| Layer (type) | Output Shape | Param # | Activation | Additional Info |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Conv2d-1 | [-1, 32, 28, 28] | 320 | ReLU | Kernel: (3x3) |
| BatchNorm2d-2 | [-1, 32, 28, 28] | 64 | | |
| Conv2d-4 | [-1, 64, 28, 28] | 18,496 | ReLU | Kernel: (3x3) |
| BatchNorm2d-5 | [-1, 64, 28, 28] | 128 | | |
| Conv2d-7 | [-1, 64, 28, 28] | 36,928 | ReLU | Kernel: (3x3) |
| BatchNorm2d-8 | [-1, 64, 28, 28] | 128 | | |
| Flatten-10 | [-1, 50176] | 0 | | |
| Linear-11 | [-1, 128] | 6,422,656 | ReLU | |
| Dropout-13 | [-1, 128] | 0 | | Dropout: 50% |
| Linear-14 | [-1, 10] | 1,290 | | Output Layer |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Total params: 6,480,010 |
| Trainable params: 6,480,010 |
| Non-trainable params: 0 |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Input size (MB): 0.00 |
| Forward/backward pass size (MB): 3.26 |
| Params size (MB): 24.72 |
| Estimated Total Size (MB): 27.98 |
If you have any suggestions or feedback, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.