A mature, feature-complete application generator with an emphasis on speed.
$ npm install quickbuild -g
The quickest way to get started with quickbuild is to utilize the executable without arguments. This will launch an interactive UI that guides you through creating a new application
$ quickbuild
Pass the following argument to install dependencies for your project
$ quickbuild --install
$ quickbuild --help
$ quickbuild <option>
-v, --version output the version number
--verbose enable verbose mode
-q, --quickestbuild create generic boilerplate
-n, --name enter your project name
-i, --install install project dependencies
-g, --git initialize git
--mit add MIT license
--apache add Apache 2.0 license
--bsd add BSD 2-Clause license
-u, --unlicensed create an unlicensed project
$ quickbuild
$ quickbuild --git
$ quickbuild --git --bsd
$ quickbuild -u -g --install --verbose
$ quickbuild -n "some project" --git --apache
- Express.js server: An Express application skeleton.
- React application: A highly scalable, simple React boilerplate. From the official React Boilerplate project.
- Flutter: A very simple demo Flutter boilerplate project with an existing sign-in/sign-up feature.
- AngularJS App: An application skeleton for a typical AngularJS web app that is preconfigured to install the AngularJS framework and a bunch of development and testing tools for instant web development gratification. Based on the official AngularJS Seed App.
- Django-React application: A Django project boilerplate with state of the art libraries and tools (like React, Bootstrap 4, Webpack, Celery, and more) for building modern web applications.
- Django-Vue application: Vue, Yarn and Webpack handles all frontend logic and bundling assessments. Django and Django REST framework manage Data Models, Web API and serve static files.
- Typescript-Node Web application: A starter template with a good end-to-end project setup and workflow for writing Node code in TypeScript
- Electron App Quick Start: A minimal Electron application to quick-start your development. Based on Electron's project of the same name
- Electron App (Advanced): A desktop app that interactively- and with sample code- demonstrates core features of the Electron API. Based on Electron API Demos
- Static Webpage: A simple webpage template
- jQuery Plugin: A jQuery plugin project template based on jQuery Boilerplate
- Chrome Extension: A simple Chrome extension template
- Firefox Extension: A simple Firefox extension template
- Cross-browser Extension: A minimalistic crossover browser extension to quick-start plugin development for Opera, Chrome & Firefox.
- Atom UI theme template: A starter template for creating an Atom UI theme. Based on Atom's project of the same name
- quickestbuild
- Node.js 4 or later