source /cvmfs/
export SCRAM_ARCH="slc6_amd64_gcc630"
export CMSSW_VERSION="CMSSW_10_2_1"
voms-proxy-init -voms cms
git clone
cd Trigger/
git checkout Data_2018
cd ..
scram b
cd Trigger/TriggerAnalyzer/
For Prompt-Reco 2018 Data : in test/
process.GlobalTag.globaltag = '101X_dataRun2_Prompt_v9'
For Re-Reco 2018 Data :
process.GlobalTag.globaltag =
For 2018 MC :
process.GlobalTag.globaltag =
Put desired filename in python config file , eg. test/
cmsRun test/ > output_log.txt
Set the request name, name of destination folder and the desired Dataset and JSON file
config.General.requestName = '< request name >'
config.Data.outputDatasetTag = '< output dataset tag >'
config.Data.inputDataset = '< Dataset Name >'
config.Data.lumiMask = 'data/< JSON filename >' (only for DATA)
Modify these lines according to your storage area in the crabConfig_*.py files
config.Data.outLFNDirBase = '< output location path >'
config.Site.storageSite = 'T3_US_FNALLPC'
crab submit -c < crab config filename > (for eg. < crab config filename > :
Step 2 : Running macros to obtain Trigger Efficiencies using the ntuples to produce root files with plots
Repeat the Installation steps (in FNAL account if ntuples stored in FNAL storage area)
cd macros/Trigger_Efficiency_Codes/
(These examples are only for 2017C_promptreco, you can do similarly for other Data or MC)
cd L1/
cp ../../../interface/TriggerStudyEventVars.h .
First, put the correct path and number of paths for the relevant ntuples in input_L1_Global_SE_2017C_promptreco.txt and input_L1_Global_SM_2017C_promptreco.txt. Then,
cp input_L1_Global_SE_2017C_promptreco.txt input.txt
root -l -q Trigger_Efficiency_calc_L1_Global_SE.C > out_l1_global_se_2017C_promptreco.txt
cp input_L1_Global_SM_2017C_promptreco.txt input.txt
root -l -q Trigger_Efficiency_calc_L1_Global_SM.C > out_l1_global_sm_2017C_promptreco.txt
rm -rf input.txt
Repeat this for all the different Datasets
cd ..
cd HLT/
cd Global/
cp ../../../../interface/TriggerStudyEventVars.h .
First, put the correct path and number of paths for the relevant ntuples in input_HLT_Global_MET_2017C_promptreco.txt and input_HLT_Global_SM_2017C_promptreco.txt. Then,
cp input_HLT_Global_MET_2017C_promptreco.txt input.txt
root -l -q Trigger_Efficiency_calc_HLT_Global_MET.C > out_hlt_global_met_2017C_promptreco.txt
cp input_HLT_Global_SM_2017C_promptreco.txt input.txt
root -l -q Trigger_Efficiency_calc_HLT_Global_SM.C > out_hlt_global_sm_2017C_promptreco.txt
rm -rf input.txt
Repeat this for all the different Datasets
cd ..
cd Jet_HT_Leg/
cp ../../../../interface/TriggerStudyEventVars.h .
First, put the correct path and number of paths for the relevant ntuples in input_HLT_JetHTLeg_SE_2017C_promptreco.txt. Then,
cp input_HLT_JetHTLeg_SE_2017C_promptreco.txt input.txt
root -l -q Trigger_Efficiency_calc_HLT_JetHTLeg_SE.C > out_hlt_jethtleg_se_2017C_promptreco.txt
rm -rf input.txt
Repeat this for all the different Datasets
cd ..
cd Ele_leg/
cd Jet_Path/
cp ../../../../../interface/TriggerStudyEventVars.h .
First, put the correct path and number of paths for the relevant ntuples in input_HLT_EleLeg_JET_2017C_promptreco.txt. Then,
cp input_HLT_EleLeg_JET_2017C_promptreco.txt input.txt
root -l -q Trigger_Efficiency_calc_HLT_EleLeg_JET.C> out_hlt_eleleg_jet_2017C_promptreco.txt
rm -rf input.txt
Repeat this for all the different Datasets
cd ..
cd HT_Path/
cp ../../../../../interface/TriggerStudyEventVars.h .
copy TriggerStudyEventVars.h from interface/ to this location
First, put the correct path and number of paths for the relevant ntuples in input_HLT_EleLeg_HT_2017C_promptreco.txt. Then,
cp input_HLT_EleLeg_HT_2017C_promptreco.txt input.txt
root -l -q Trigger_Efficiency_calc_HLT_EleLeg_HT.C> out_hlt_eleleg_ht_2017C_promptreco.txt
rm -rf input.txt
Repeat this for all the different Datasets
cd ..
cd ..
Shortcut : You can use, and (in macros/Trigger_Efficiency_Codes/) to run all the above Trigger Efficiency macros together instead one at a time
cd ../../Trigger_Plot_Codes/
Collect all the root files produced by the macros to this location and then the following macros :
root -l -q Compare_Efficiencies_L1.C
root -l -q Compare_Efficiencies_HLT.C
root -l -q Combine_plots_root.C
crab status -d < crab_folder >
crab kill -d < crab_folder >
git clone < GITLAB repo link >
git checkout < branch name >
git checkout -b < branch name >
git branch
git pull
git add .
git commit -m “Comment”
git push origin < branch name >
hadd Combined_Root_file.root Individual_Root_files_*.root