- This repository contains code for optimizing time complexity of KNN using k-means culstering and k-d trees
- this and this research papers has been implemented in order to achieve optmization
- K-nearest Neighbour(KNN) algorithm is used for supervised learning. KNN algorithms time complexity for finding nearest neighbours for n points is
using eucledian distance .But the time complexity can be reduced to n log(n) using K-D trees and K-means clustering. - Time complexity is reduced at the cost of approximation. Hence we will be able to find approximate nearest neighbours but not exact one.
- Still in large(real life) clusters of data, approximate nearest neighbour is as good as exact nearest neighbour.
- Nearest Neighbour with single KD search tree
- Fast approximate NN with Randomized K-D tree algorithm
- Fast approximate NN(Nearest Neighbour) Clustered K-Means tree.
- This algorithm uses KD trees and priority queues in implementation. KD trees are used to store N-dimensional data points similar to binary search trees(BST). where in BST 1 dimensional data points are stored.
- If each data point is of n dimensional then depending on the depth of tree we decide wether to traverse left or right. Read about K-D Trees for further clarification.
In the above image each node divides the n dimensional space into two parts. Hence while traversing we will reach the cell containing the nearest neighbour similar to BST.
But In the below image, we can observe that nearest neighbour from the green point is not in the same cell. So, this method sometimes provide the approximate nearest neighbour. Look in the next image
You can have a look at randomized_multiple_kdtree.py for further details of implementation. I have commented every function appropriately.
Parameter tuning and their effect on time complexity :
- We can set the number of nodes we check before concluding the nearest neighbour. However in first attempt we most probably reach the nearest neighbour but there is a chance of exception(similar to above figure). Increasing the number will most probably give good results. But this process will increase searching period
- To overcome this problem we can use randomised K-D tree algorithm.
- Here, we use multiple K-D trees for prediction and this method helps in finding better results faster than single K-D tree by employing multi threading. Let us consider this image for better understanding.
Randomness 1 | Randomness 2 |
- Above two figures are two different trees formed from same data but altered data order during construction of tree. Basically this altrered order of data points is indroduced trough randomization.
- In first figure point q and its nearest neighbour are separated by blue line but in figure 2 the is no separation between them. it means that the tree from second figure predicts correct nearest neighbour in single traversal.
- Now let us prove why multiple random trees give better results. Let us consider two points and if I draw line in space then the probability of that line passing between two points(given point and its nearest neighbour) is much less then not passing between them. In the same way if there are n randomized K-D trees with different configuration then according to probability only few of those trees separate the query point and its nearest neighbour so when we consider result of multiple K-D trees then most probably we get nearest neighbour.
- randomization produces several trees which allows us to process the algorithm in parallel. We can use a common priority queue for all the different trees and run searching for nearest neighbour in all the trees in parallel. This is extremely useful if the data is too large to handle in a single computer or a single system.
Parameter tuning and their effect on time complexity:
- We can set number of nodes to search before stopping ,same as single n-KD tree, we can decide number of trees to use using large number will not improve accuracy at the same time single tree may not perform best. Greater the number of trees more time for computation is required.
- In this algorithm we use K-Means cluster for clustering the data initially and then we make mid points of these K clusters as child nodes of K-ary tree and then recursively continue process till number of points in a cluster is less than K and when this happened we make a leaf node at that position and push all points into that node. So, all the original points are present in the leaf nodes of tree.
- See the picture for better understanding. It is a bit messy please adjust 😊.
-In this figure let p be a point ,an a four-ary tree and let us consider that point p is a little close to area A3 now we traverse all child nodes(A1,A2,A3,A4) of root node in tree and push the root nodes into priority queue according to distance of the points to the centre of areas(A1,A2,A3,A4) .you can see that areas are adjusted according to their distance in priority queue and next we visit top element of priority queue(A3) and then child nodes of A3 are added to priority queue so first priority queue is modified to second priority queue with top element R9 and second element as A2 as A2 is second nearest point to P after R9 and this process continues till we reach leaf nodes where original points are present . These points in leaf nodes will give the nearest neighbour. If we reach more leaf nodes then we will have a greater change to get the best nearest neighbour. At the same time reaching every root node is also useless.
Parameter tuning and their effect on time complexity:
- We can set number of comparisons same as above two algorithms
Number of clusters: This value decides number of child to each node of tree. Larger value will increase accuracy and tree building time because on every recursion we need to make more cluster and decreases height of tree.
Number of iterations during clustering: Increasing the number of iterations make better clusters with increasing accuracy. But accuracy saturates at certain iteration level and hence there won’t be any improvement after that. So, this value should be chosen carefully for good results and reduce time complexity