A tribute to the mini game from FF14 Triple Triad built in pure CSS and Javascrip with no images.
Click Here to Play!
Color Used:
Red Side -
Blue Side -
Toripuru-Toraiado is the Japanese pronucation of " Triple Triad".
The game is held on a 3x3 board. Every card has number on each side.
Player will be on Red Team while CPU will be on Blue Team.
- Players take turn to place cards on the board, one card at a time.
- When the sides of the card touch, the battle begins!
- Whoever's number is greater capture the other card.
- Win the game by having the most cards on the board at the end of the game!
A card game that combins the machanic of the board game Go and simple Math! By deadline, the game will be:
- playable with the card capture machanic
- card positioning on the board
- card will be captured by the one who has the greater number on the card on the size that touches
- Same rule - If your card matches the numbers on two or more cards on each side you will capture those cards (9/3 completed)
- Plus rule - If your card matches the numbers on two or more cards on each side when you sum up the numbers on each side, you will capture those cards
- Combo
- Add background music when game starts
- Add player 2 (9/3)
- mobile friendly (9/3)
jQuery UI
Sweet Alert
Google Font - Abel
- 9/4/2020 Added new rule - Plus rule - not deployed
- 9/3/2020 Added visual effect and worked on front page of the game.
- 9/2/2020 Added function to generate more cards.
- 9/1/2020 Base game completed. Will add more rules and cards to the game in the next few days. Would like to add visual effect in the near future.