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abdullahau committed Mar 9, 2025
1 parent e4c213d commit cba34a4
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Showing 6 changed files with 351 additions and 181 deletions.
285 changes: 153 additions & 132 deletions 03b - Geocentric Models.qmd

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

142 changes: 116 additions & 26 deletions R_code.qmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,20 +59,20 @@ class BridgeStan(bs.StanModel):
super().__init__(stan_so, data, make_args=make_args, warn=False)
class StanQuap(object):
Find mode of posterior distribution for arbitrary fixed effect models and
then produce an approximation of the full posterior using the quadratic
curvature at the mode.
Find mode of posterior distribution for arbitrary fixed effect models and
then produce an approximation of the full posterior using the quadratic
curvature at the mode.
This command provides a convenient interface for finding quadratic approximations
of posterior distributions for models defined in Stan. This procedure is equivalent
to penalized maximum likelihood estimation and the use of a Hessian for profiling,
and therefore can be used to define many common regularization procedures. The point
estimates returned correspond to a maximum a posterior, or MAP, estimate. However the
intention is that users will use `draws` and `laplace_sample` and other methods to work
with the full posterior.
This command provides a convenient interface for finding quadratic approximations
of posterior distributions for models defined in Stan. This procedure is equivalent
to penalized maximum likelihood estimation and the use of a Hessian for profiling,
and therefore can be used to define many common regularization procedures. The point
estimates returned correspond to a maximum a posterior, or MAP, estimate. However the
intention is that users will use `extract_samples` and `laplace_sample` and other methods to work
with the full posterior.
def __init__(self,
stan_file: str,
stan_code: str,
Expand All @@ -90,9 +90,10 @@ class StanQuap(object):
self.params = self.opt_model.stan_variables()
self.param_names = self.bs_model.param_names()
self.opt_params = {param: self.opt_model.stan_variable(param) for param in self.param_names}
self.params_unc = self.bs_model.param_unconstrain(
self.jacobian = jacobian
Expand All @@ -109,16 +110,28 @@ class StanQuap(object):
cov_matrix = self.transform_vcov(vcov_unc, param_types, eps)
return cov_matrix
def laplace_sample(self, draws: int = 100_000):
return self.stan_model.laplace_sample(data=self.train_data,
def laplace_sample(self, data: dict = None, draws: int = 100_000):
if data is None:
data = self.train_data
return self.stan_model.laplace_sample(data=data,
def extract_samples(self, n: int = 100_000, dict_out: bool = True):
laplace_obj = self.laplace_sample(n)
laplace_obj = self.laplace_sample(draws=n)
if dict_out:
return laplace_obj.stan_variables()
stan_var_dict = laplace_obj.stan_variables()
return {param: stan_var_dict[param] for param in self.param_names}
return laplace_obj.draws()
def sim(self, data: dict = None, n = 1000, dict_out: bool = True):
if data is None:
data = self.train_data
laplace_obj = self.laplace_sample(data=data, draws=n)
if dict_out:
stan_var_dict = laplace_obj.stan_variables()
return {param: stan_var_dict[param] for param in stan_var_dict if param not in self.param_names}
return laplace_obj.draws()
def compute_jacobian_analytical(self, param_types):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,21 +196,76 @@ class StanQuap(object):
def precis(self, param_types=None, prob=0.89, eps=1e-6):
vcov_mat = self.vcov_matrix(param_types, eps)
pos_mu = np.array(list(self.params.values()))
pos_mu = np.array(list(self.opt_params.values()))
pos_sigma = np.sqrt(np.diag(vcov_mat))
plo = (1-prob)/2
phi = 1 - plo
lo = pos_mu + pos_sigma * stats.norm.ppf(plo)
hi = pos_mu + pos_sigma * stats.norm.ppf(phi)
res = pd.DataFrame({
'Parameter': list(self.params.keys()),
'Parameter': list(self.opt_params.keys()),
'Mean': pos_mu,
'StDev': pos_sigma,
f'{plo:.1%}': lo,
f'{phi:.1%}': hi})
return res.set_index('Parameter')

d = pd.read_csv("data/Howell1.csv", sep=';')
d2 = d[d['age'] >= 18]
m4_3_pred = '''
data {
int<lower=1> N;
vector[N] height;
vector[N] weight;
real xbar;
int<lower=1> N_tilde;
vector[N_tilde] weight_tilde;
parameters {
real a;
real<lower=0> b;
real<lower=0, upper=50> sigma;
model {
vector[N] mu;
mu = a + b * (weight - xbar);
// Likelihood Function
height ~ normal(mu, sigma);
// Priors
a ~ normal(178, 20);
b ~ lognormal(0, 1);
sigma ~ uniform(0, 50);
generated quantities {
vector[N_tilde] y_tilde;
for (i in 1:N_tilde) {
y_tilde[i] = normal_rng(a + b * (weight_tilde[i] - xbar), sigma);
weight_seq = np.arange(25, 71)
data = {'N': len(d2),
'xbar': d2['weight'].mean(),
'height': d2['height'].tolist(),
'weight': d2['weight'].tolist(),
'N_tilde': len(weight_seq),
'weight_tilde': weight_seq.tolist()}
m4_3_pred_model = StanQuap('stan_models/m4_3_pred', m4_3_pred, data, algorithm = 'Newton')
m4_3_pred_model.sim(data=data, n=100)

test_stan = '''
data {
Expand All @@ -223,7 +291,7 @@ model.precis(param_types=['prob'])
res_df = model.precis().round(7)
laplace_draws = model.draws()['p']
laplace_draws = model.extract_samples()['p']
sigma_draw = laplace_draws.std()
Expand All @@ -235,7 +303,7 @@ import scipy.stats as stats
def dens_plot():
x = np.linspace(0,1,100)
y = stats.norm.pdf(x, model.params['p'], sigma_draw)
y = stats.norm.pdf(x, model.opt_params['p'], sigma_draw)
plt.plot(x, y, label='Laplace Draws')
y = stats.norm.pdf(x, res_df['Mean'][0], res_df['StDev'][0])
plt.plot(x, y, label='MAP')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -464,13 +532,35 @@ pairs(m4.3)

mu <- link( m4.3 )
# define sequence of weights to compute predictions for
# these values will be on the horizontal axis
weight.seq <- seq( from=25 , to=70 , by=1 )
# use link to compute mu
# for each sample from posterior
# and for each weight in weight.seq
mu <- link( m4.3 , data=data.frame(weight=weight.seq) )

# use type="n" to hide raw data
plot( height ~ weight , d2 , type="n" )
# loop over samples and plot each mu value
for ( i in 1:100 )
points( weight.seq , mu[i,] , pch=16 , col=col.alpha(rangi2,0.1) )

sim.height <- sim( m4.3 , data=list(weight=weight.seq) )
sim.mean <- apply( sim.height , 2 , mean )
sim.PI <- apply( sim.height , 2 , PI , prob=0.89 )

Binary file added stan_models/m4_3_pred
Binary file not shown.
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions stan_models/m4_3_pred.stan
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@

data {
int<lower=1> N;
vector[N] height;
vector[N] weight;
real xbar;

int<lower=1> N_tilde;
vector[N_tilde] weight_tilde;
parameters {
real a;
real<lower=0> b;
real<lower=0, upper=50> sigma;
model {
vector[N] mu;
mu = a + b * (weight - xbar);

// Likelihood Function
height ~ normal(mu, sigma);

// Priors
a ~ normal(178, 20);
b ~ lognormal(0, 1);
sigma ~ uniform(0, 50);
generated quantities {
vector[N_tilde] y_tilde;
for (i in 1:N_tilde) {
y_tilde[i] = normal_rng(a + b * (weight_tilde[i] - xbar), sigma);
Binary file added stan_models/
Binary file not shown.
72 changes: 49 additions & 23 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,20 +56,20 @@ def __init__(self, stan_file: str, data: dict, force_compile=False):
super().__init__(stan_so, data, make_args=make_args, warn=False)

class StanQuap(object):
Find mode of posterior distribution for arbitrary fixed effect models and
then produce an approximation of the full posterior using the quadratic
curvature at the mode.
Find mode of posterior distribution for arbitrary fixed effect models and
then produce an approximation of the full posterior using the quadratic
curvature at the mode.
This command provides a convenient interface for finding quadratic approximations
of posterior distributions for models defined in Stan. This procedure is equivalent
to penalized maximum likelihood estimation and the use of a Hessian for profiling,
and therefore can be used to define many common regularization procedures. The point
estimates returned correspond to a maximum a posterior, or MAP, estimate. However the
intention is that users will use `draws` and `laplace_sample` and other methods to work
with the full posterior.
This command provides a convenient interface for finding quadratic approximations
of posterior distributions for models defined in Stan. This procedure is equivalent
to penalized maximum likelihood estimation and the use of a Hessian for profiling,
and therefore can be used to define many common regularization procedures. The point
estimates returned correspond to a maximum a posterior, or MAP, estimate. However the
intention is that users will use `extract_samples` and `laplace_sample` and other methods to work
with the full posterior.
def __init__(self,
stan_file: str,
stan_code: str,
Expand All @@ -87,9 +87,10 @@ def __init__(self,
self.params = self.opt_model.stan_variables()
self.param_names = self.bs_model.param_names()
self.opt_params = {param: self.opt_model.stan_variable(param) for param in self.param_names}
self.params_unc = self.bs_model.param_unconstrain(
self.jacobian = jacobian

Expand All @@ -106,16 +107,33 @@ def vcov_matrix(self, param_types=None, eps=1e-6):
cov_matrix = self.transform_vcov(vcov_unc, param_types, eps)
return cov_matrix

def laplace_sample(self, draws: int = 100_000):
return self.stan_model.laplace_sample(data=self.train_data,
def laplace_sample(self, data: dict = None, draws: int = 100_000):
if data is None:
data = self.train_data
return self.stan_model.laplace_sample(data=data,

def extract_samples(self, n: int = 100_000, dict_out: bool = True):
laplace_obj = self.laplace_sample(draws=n)
if dict_out:
return laplace_obj.stan_variables()
stan_var_dict = laplace_obj.stan_variables()
return {param: stan_var_dict[param] for param in self.param_names}
return laplace_obj.draws()

def sim(self, data: dict = None, n = 1000, dict_out: bool = True):
Simulate posterior observations - Posterior Predictive Sampling
if data is None:
data = self.train_data
laplace_obj = self.laplace_sample(data=data, draws=n)
if dict_out:
stan_var_dict = laplace_obj.stan_variables()
return {param: stan_var_dict[param] for param in stan_var_dict if param not in self.param_names}
return laplace_obj.draws()

def compute_jacobian_analytical(self, param_types):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,20 +198,28 @@ def transform_vcov(self, vcov_unc, param_types=None, eps=1e-6):

def precis(self, param_types=None, prob=0.89, eps=1e-6):
vcov_mat = self.vcov_matrix(param_types, eps)
pos_mu = np.array(list(self.params.values()))
pos_mu = np.array(list(self.opt_params.values()))
pos_sigma = np.sqrt(np.diag(vcov_mat))
plo = (1-prob)/2
phi = 1 - plo
lo = pos_mu + pos_sigma * stats.norm.ppf(plo)
hi = pos_mu + pos_sigma * stats.norm.ppf(phi)
res = pd.DataFrame({
'Parameter': list(self.params.keys()),
'Parameter': list(self.opt_params.keys()),
'Mean': pos_mu,
'StDev': pos_sigma,
f'{plo:.1%}': lo,
f'{phi:.1%}': hi})
return res.set_index('Parameter')

def link(fit, lm_func, data, n=1000, post=None):
# Extract Posterior Samples
if post is None:
post = fit.extract_samples(n=n, dict_out=True)
return lm_func(post, data)

# ----------------------- Stat Functions -----------------------
def center(vals: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
return vals - np.nanmean(vals)
Expand All @@ -216,19 +242,19 @@ def invlogit(x: float) -> float:
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))

def precis(samples, prob=0.89):
def precis(samples, prob=0.89, index_name='Parameter'):
if isinstance(samples, dict) or isinstance(samples, pd.Series):
samples = pd.DataFrame(samples)
plo = (1-prob)/2
phi = 1 - plo
res = pd.DataFrame({
'Mean': samples.mean().to_numpy(),
'StDev': samples.std().to_numpy(),
f'{plo:.1%}': samples.quantile(q=plo).to_numpy(),
f'{phi:.1%}': samples.quantile(q=phi).to_numpy()
return res.set_index('Parameter')
return res.set_index(f'{index_name}')

def precis_az(samples, var_names=None):
Expand Down

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