The goal of this project is to create an application where a user can search and find locally sold, gently-used coats for both men, women, and kids at a reasonable price. GIVEN a user who wants to find a locally sold coat, WHEN the user searches a category, THEN the application will return a database of coats that are currently being sold by customers across the Chicago area.
This project uses a MySQL database and Node JS for its backend. Express is used for the middleware. The frontend is written in JQuery.
Once you clone the app and change directories into the root of the project. While in this directory, run the following command:
npm install
This should install node modules within the server and the client folder.
After both installations complete, run the following command in your terminal:
node server
Your app should now be running on http://localhost:3000. The Express server should intercept any AJAX requests from the client.