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Website for

The website is written in sapper and svelte. To read more about sapper and svelte, see

Getting started

Development mode

To run project in development mode, run:

npm run dev

The site will then be avilable at http://localhost:3000 with debugging and hot-reload enabled, meaning you can change files and as soon as you save them, the changes will be applied in your browser.

Production Mode

To build a static production version of this site, run:

npx sapper export

This will generate static html, css and javascript files for this website into the __sapper__/export/ folder. You can then statically serve these files to host your site.


There is also a docker image that will build a static version of this site, then host the files through nginx.

To build the docker image, run:

docker build -t .

The image is self sufficient and runs a static export of the site using nginx, exposing port 80.