π Curated list of awesome bashrc snippets that will make your work easier.
Working with bash in daily life, it is very irritating writing the same command multiple times. To avoid that we write aliases/snippets for bashrc and make our life easier.
This repository will have collection of such aliases. Read Contribution Guidelines before contributing.
- C/C++ compile and run
- git diff for JS Devs
- git status
- Upload your package to PyPi.org
- apt-get update
- open
- List files
- Tally
- Check free space on disks
- Safe operations with files
- git branch
- git.io alias
- tree alias
- Fast upwards navigation (comes with ZSH)
- Download music from youtube video
- Get saved WiFi keys
- Take Screenshot of connected ADB Device
- Bootstrap your CF Round
- Run Matlab scripts
- Convert GIF to WebM
- Python virtualenv / Anaconda
- Python virtualenv
- Anaconda
- Faster VSCode CLI Binding
cpp-run() {
echo "Compiling file..."
g++ -o "$1" "$1.cpp"
echo "Compiled! Enter input :D"
# cpp-run filename
c-run() {
echo "Compiling file..."
gcc -o "$1" "$1.c"
echo "Compiled! Enter input :D"
# c-run filename
alias gd="git diff --ignore-all-space
--ignore-blank-lines -- .
# Write gd to ignore not important differences.
# Credits: https://www.reddit.com/r/javascript/comments/9i6hl3/alias_for_open_source_js_devs/
alias s="git status"
This generates the respective dist files and uploads them to PyPi.org by asking your credentials at the end.
alias pyup="python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel && twine upload dist/*"
alias update='sudo apt-get update'
Open any file using its default program (eg. pdfs, torrents, etc).
alias open="xdg-open"
alias ll='ls -laht'
alias l='ls -aC'
tally() {
if [[ $1 == '--help' ]]; then
echo "Usage: ls | tally";
return 0;
sort | uniq -c | sort -n
alias df='df -h'
alias rm='rm -i'
alias cp='cp -i'
alias mv='mv -i'
This will display the current git branch of any repository you're in.
# Add git branch if its present to PS1
parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/(\1)/'
# Pass the function to the color parser of the terminal to colorize the branch name.
if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then
if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]] ; then
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;31m\]\h\[\033[01;34m\] \W $(parse_git_branch)\$\[\033[00m\] '
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\] \[\033[01;34m\]\w $(parse_git_branch)\$\[\033[00m\] '
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h \w \$ '
unset color_prompt force_color_prompt
Get shortened git.io URLs from a single command
gurl() {
curl -i https://git.io -F "url=$1" \
-F "code=$2"
# Usage
# gurl https://github.com/anshumanv anshumanv
After these steps, https://git.io/anshumanv will redirect you to https://github.com/anshumanv
Get representation of underlying files and folders as a tree.
alias tree="find . -print | sed -e 's;[^/]*/;|____;g;s;____|; |;g'"
alias ..='cd ..'
alias ...='cd ../../../'
alias ....='cd ../../../../'
alias .....='cd ../../../../'
You will need mp3-lame library and youtube-dl utility.
alias youtube-mp3="youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3"
# Usage
# youtube-mp3 https://youtube.com/{id}
alias wifikey="sudo grep -r '^psk=' /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/"
# Usage (requires sudo)
# wifikey
alias cap="adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/screen.png && \
adb pull /sdcard/screen.png && \
adb shell rm /sdcard/screen.png"
# Usage (requires connected device)
# Saves the screenshot with name screen.png
# cap
cf() {
mkdir "CF#$1" &&\
cd "CF#$1" &&\
touch inp.txt &&\
touch out.txt && \
curl -L "https://files.aashutosh.dev/cpp.cpp" -o A.cpp
# Usage: cf 549
# The above command initialzes, Your CF Round folder and downloads your sample template.
# https://files.aashutosh.dev/cpp.cpp refers to link of your template
matlab-run() {
matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r "$1"
# matlab-run filename
Why? => Read this (You can save upto 90% on size of media)
gif2webm() {
ffmpeg -i $1.gif -c vp9 -b:v 0 -crf 41 $1.webm
# gif2webm gif-name-without-format
Framework used for coming up with aliases for Python:
- To create / make a directory,
is used and to remove a directoryrmdir
is used. Extending this logic of usingmk
for aliases.
For example:
: pip remove a packagemkvenv
: To create / make a virtual environment
First defining a custom print function to pretty print alias output. This will help us distinguish between command output and alias output
function repeat {
num="${2:-100}"; printf -- "$1%.0s" $(seq 1 $num);
# custom print function for pretty printing aliases/ functions
function print {
terminalCols=$(tput cols)
printf "\n"
repeat '#' $((offset-1))
printf " $1 "
repeat '#' $((offset-1))
printf "\n"
NOTE: If you are not interested in using these helper functions, you can replace print
with echo
in all the below code snippets.
alias 'py'='python'
alias 'pirm'='pip uninstall -y'
alias 'sdist'='rm -rf dist/ ; py setup.py sdist'
alias 'bdist'='rm -rf dist/ ; py setup.py bdist_wheel'
# Pip install
function pi {
if [ -z "$1" ]
# Looks for setup.py in the current directory and installs the package
print "Installing from local setup.py file in the current directory"
pip install .
# Installs the package from PyPI
print "Fetching from PyPI"
pip install "$1"
alias 'pii'='pi'
# Create new venv using python3
# If no name is passed will default to .venv
function mkvenv {
if [ -z "$1" ]
print "Creating virtualenv: .venv"
python3 -m venv .venv
print "Creating virtualenv: $1"
python3 -m venv "$1"
avenv "$1"
print "Upgrading pip"
pip install pip --upgrade
print "Installing wheel package"
pip install wheel
print "Activated virtualenv"
alias 'mkenv'='mkvenv'
# Remove a virtual env.
# If no name is passed will default to .venv
function rmvenv {
if [ -z "$1" ]
print "Removing virtualenv: .venv"
python3 -m venv .venv
rm -rf .venv
print "Removing virtualenv: $1"
rm -rf "$1"
alias 'rmenv'='rmvenv'
Going by the general assumption that python virtual environments are named as:
- .venv : Local virtual environemnt
- .venv37 : Local virtual environment with Python 3.7
- .venv38 : Local virtual environment with Python 3.8
The below alias uses fzf
to choose a virtual environment to activate when there are multiple virtual environments in the
current directory.
# Activate virtual env
# If no name is passed will default to .venv
function avenv {
# If no paramerter is passed try to activate .venv first. If .venv doesnt exist try with the next closest one. If both .venv37 and .venv38 exist. It will pick .venv37
# If parameter is passed, try to activate that one
if [ -z "$1" ]
if [ -d ".venv" ]
source .venv/bin/activate
print "Activated virtualenv: .venv"
# Piping the output of find command to fzf to select a virtual env.
virtual_env=$(find -maxdepth 2 -type d -name ".venv*" | fzf)
print "Activated virtualenv: $virtual_env"
source "$virtual_env"/bin/activate
source "$1"/bin/activate; print "Activated virtualenv: $1" || print "Failed to activate virtualenv: $1"
alias 'aenv'='avenv'
# Deactivate virtual env
function dvenv {
if [ -z "$1" ]
deactivate || print "Failed to deactivate virtualenv: .venv"
print "Deactivated virtualenv"
deactivate "$1" || print "Failed to deactivate virtualenv: $1"
print "Deactivated virtualenv"
alias 'denv'='dvenv'
Utilizes the mamba
executable wherever possible to improve anaconda command execution times.
Follows a similar style of aliases as the above set of python aliases.
Only difference is, aliases are prefixed with c
# MAMBA: Currently, only install, create, list, search, run, info and clean are supported through mamba.
#list envs
alias 'clsenv'='mamba env list'
alias 'clsvenv'='clsenv'
#create new venv
function cmkvenv {
mkdir -p /usr/softwares/miniconda3/envs/"$1"
# mamba create -n "$1" --prefix=/usr/softwares/miniconda3/envs/"$1" python="$2" -y
conda create --prefix=/usr/softwares/miniconda3/envs/"$1" python="$2" -y
alias 'cmkenv'='cmkvenv'
# remove arbitrary number of conda virtual envs
function crmenv {
mamba env remove -n "$@"
alias 'crmvenv'='crmenv'
#activate venv.
#Can't use mamba for activation and deactivation of env
function caenv {
conda activate "$1"
#deactivate venv
alias "cdvenv"="conda deactivate"
alias "cdenv"="cdvenv"
#add channels in conda
function caddc {
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "Provide a channel name to add!"
#exit 1;
mamba config --add channels "$1"
#list channels in conda
function clsch {
conda config --show channels
# remove a channel
function crmch {
conda config --remove channels "$1"
#Conda install a package
function ci {
if [ -z "$2" ]
/usr/softwares/miniconda3/condabin/mamba install -y "$1"
/usr/softwares/miniconda3/condabin/mamba install -c "$2" "$1"
#Conda remove a package
alias 'crm'='mamba uninstall -y'
# MacOS only
alias c="open $1 -a 'Visual Studio Code'"
# above can be used as equivalent to `code` in MacOS, apprantly it's faster.
# Source: https://x.com/theo/status/1898973452050280932
File Templates taken from awesome-no-login-web-apps