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Auto-generator for the MongoDB model to GraphQL type definition and query resolvers.


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Auto-generator for the MongoDB model to GraphQL type definition and query resolvers. Just write your mongoose model code, then I generate gql code for you!

Current - 2.3.3 - (feat): aaronwlee

  • enabled the conversion with the list of models and mutations.
  • enabled the conversion models and mutations to GQL ready to use string and object.
  • changed the mutation naming method because of the unsupported method when built by Webpack. (bug fix)
  • test and sample files have rewritten (minor)

2.2.13 - (fix): aaronwlee

  • subdirectory supporting has updated (bug fix)
  • getting a total query has enhanced (bug fix)
  • authentication method for the apollo server has added
  • auth boolean option has added into the gqloption
  • Now you able to connect with the typescript model and mutation in development mode. Set the 'devWithTs' option and use the nodemon.
  • embedded many supported
  • embedded search implemented
  • customizable apollo server options supported
  • customizable resolvers and typeDefs options supported
  • file upload support via Upload


$ npm i mongo-to-gql


$ yarn add mongo-to-gql

Getting Started

Mongo model basic

  • just write your basic mongoose model with gqlOption ex) src/model/user.model.ts
type UserDocument = Document & {
  email: string;
  age: number;
  name: string;
  password: string;
  picture: string[];
  follower: string[];
  product: string;

const schema: Schema<UserDocument> = new mongoose.Schema<UserDocument>({
  email: { type: String, unique: true },
  age: Number,
  name: { type: String, required: true },
  password: String,
  picture: [String],
  follower: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }],   // has many => this field will have `User` type which is from `ref`
  product: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId }                    // has one without ref => this field will be `ID` type if there is no Populate options.
}, {                                                          // if the Populate options have `path` and `model` param, it will be `JSON` type.
  timestamps: true,
  // virtual requirements
  toObject: { virtuals: true },
  toJSON: { virtuals: true }

// JSON type
schema.virtual("fullName").get(function () {
  return ({

// JSON type
schema.virtual("extra").get(async function () {
  const users = await this.model("User").findOne({ name: "Aaron" })
  return users

// if you use has many or has one, you must export this option with exact name of const 
export const gqlOption: IgqlOption = {
  // if you didn't declare `ref` in the schema, you have to specify the target model.
  Populate: [{ path: "product", model: Product, select: "name" }, { path: "follower" }],
  Auth: true    // authentication option. if the apollo server context option sends an appropriate 'user', this model's GQL query can be accessible.  

export default mongoose.model<UserDocument>("User", schema);

After using our mongo-to-gql, you'll get auto-generated this queries and gql definitions

query getUsers {
    page: 0, 
    limit: 4, 
    filter: {name_has: "a", email_in: ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]}, 
    sort: updatedAt_asc
    ) {
    data {
      follower {
      product         // This field is JSON type because of the schema that does not have "ref".

query UserByID {
  User(_id: "5dc8aa758ac3cd40e7ea0c7f") {
    follower {


// query getUsers
  "data": {
    "Users": {
      "data": [
          "name": "aaron",
          "_id": "5dc8aa758ac3cd40e7ea0c7f",
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "fullName": "aaron [email protected]",
          "follower": [
              "name": "Aaron Wooseok Lee"
          "product": {
            "_id": "5dda18db51cf6d338ac7822e",
            "name": "This is a product",
            "field1": "test field",
          "name": "ace",
          "_id": "5dc8aa7e34b45241582cbd52",
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "follower": [
              "name": "Eric"
              "name": "aaron"
          "product": {
            "_id": "5dda18db51cf6d338ac7822e",
            "name": "This is a product",
            "field1": "test field",
      "page": 0,
      "total": 2

// query UserByID
  "data": {
    "User": {
      "name": "aaron",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "follower": [
          "name": "Aaron Wooseok Lee"

Let's start it!

Start with ApolloServer

  • Development mode | start with nodemon your main ts file
import { executeApolloServer } from 'mongo-to-gql';
import express from 'express';

const app = express();

    app: app,
    devWithTs: true,                // if you're using typescript with nodemon and ts-node.
    modelFolderPath: 'src/model',       // pure .ts path
    mutationFolderPath: 'src/mutation', // pure .ts path
    path: "/myRouter",
}).then(result => {
  console.log(result.pureTypeDefs)  // display result
  • Production Mode - built by Typescript
import { executeApolloServer } from 'mongo-to-gql';
import express from 'express';

const app = express();

    app: app,
    modelFolderPath: 'dist/model',        // built .js path
    mutationFolderPath: 'dist/mutation',  // built .js path
    path: "/myRouter",
}).then(result => {
  console.log(result.pureTypeDefs)  // display result
  • Production Mode - built by Webpack
import { executeApolloServer } from 'mongo-to-gql';
import express from 'express';
import * as User from './model/user';             // this is important to import an entire module's contents
import * as addUser from './mutation/addUser';    // more info -

const app = express();

    app: app,
    modelList: {
    mutationList: {
    path: "/myRouter",
}).then(result => {
  console.log(result.pureTypeDefs)  // display result

Start with only Converting

  • Development mode | start with nodemon your main ts file
import { convertToGQL } from 'mongo-to-gql';
import express from 'express';

const app = express();

    devWithTs: true,                // if you're using typescript with nodemon and ts-node.
    modelFolderPath: 'src/model',       // pure .ts path
    mutationFolderPath: 'src/mutation', // pure .ts path
}).then(result => {
  console.log(result.converted)  // use it to init your gql server
  • Production Mode - built by Typescript
import { convertToGQL } from 'mongo-to-gql';
import express from 'express';

const app = express();

    modelFolderPath: 'dist/model',        // built .js path
    mutationFolderPath: 'dist/mutation',  // built .js path
}).then(result => {
  console.log(result.converted)  // use it to init your gql server
  • Production Mode - built by Webpack
import { convertToGQL } from 'mongo-to-gql';
import express from 'express';
import * as User from './model/user';             // this is important to import an entire module's contents
import * as addUser from './mutation/addUser';    // more info -

const app = express();

    modelList: {
    mutationList: {
}).then(result => {
  console.log(result.converted)  // use it to init your gql server

options for the executeApolloServer({})

const options: ImongoToGQLOptions = {
  app: app,

  // one of these is a must.
  modelFolderPath: 'dist/model',
  modelList: {
    User: userModel
  // optional
  devWithTs: true,                  // option for using typescript folder path. for the auto build in development, you must use nodemon.
  mutationFolderPath: 'dist/mutation',  // when you use modelFolderPath only
  mutationList: {                       // when you use modelList only
  path: '/thisisnotdefaultpath',
  context: ({ req }: any) => {      //
    const user = req.session.user;

    return { user };
  apolloOptions: {                  //
    cacheControl: {
      defaultMaxAge: 5,
  customTypeDefs: `
  type Custom {
    something: String
  customResolvers: {
    Query: {
        asd: () => {
    Mutation: {...}
    File: "Somthing"
  • app is your express app
  • modelFolderPath should be your pure js model folder which is starting with pwd path | but if you set devWithTs option to true, then you can able to use the ts model folder.
  • modelList should be a list of your imported models, and it must be an entire module's contents. ex) import * as
  • mutationFolderPath should be your pure js mutation folder which is starting with pwd path | but if you set devWithTs option to true, then you can able to use the ts mutation folder.
  • mutationList should be a list of your imported mutations, and it must be an entire module's contents. ex) import * as
  • devWithTs this option is enable to use your typescript folder path only for development environment. must use nodemon.
  • path is for graphql path config, default router is /graphql
  • context is for authenticating your resolvers. you can basically pass the user parameter or token.
  • apolloOptions this option for ApolloServer's param
  • customResolvers is for the extra resolvers
  • customTypeDefs is for the extra typeDefs, but it must be string

options for the convertToGQL({})

const options: ImongoToGQLConverterOptions = {
  modelFolderPath: 'dist/model',
  // optional
  devWithTs: true,                  // option for using typescript folder path. for the auto build in development, you must use nodemon.
  mutationFolderPath: 'dist/mutation',
  customTypeDefs: `
  type Custom {
    something: String
  customResolvers: {
    Query: {
        asd: () => {
    Mutation: {...}
    File: "Somthing"
  • modelFolderPath should be your pure js model folder which is starting with pwd path | but if you set devWithTs option to true, then you can able to use the ts model folder.
  • modelList should be a list of your imported models, and it must be an entire module's contents. ex) import * as
  • mutationFolderPath should be your pure js mutation folder which is starting with pwd path | but if you set devWithTs option to true, then you can able to use the ts mutation folder.
  • mutationList should be a list of your imported mutations, and it must be an entire module's contents. ex) import * as
  • devWithTs this option is enable to use your typescript folder path only for development environment. must use nodemon.
  • customResolvers is for the extra resolvers
  • customTypeDefs is for the extra typeDefs, but it must be string

Promise results

  • Initializing, building and connect apollo server with MongoToGQLOptions
  • After your express server executed, apollo server will start with /graphql router or your path config
interface IresultType {
  converted: {
    typeDefs: any,
    resolvers: any
  pureTypeDefs: string,
  pureResolvers: any
  • this interface is the promise results of executeApolloServer

  • it converts your models and mutations to GQL ready to use string and object.
interface IresultType {
  converted: {
    typeDefs: any,
    resolvers: any
  pureTypeDefs: string,
  pureResolvers: any
  • this interface is the promise results of convertToGQL


Mongo model with mongoosejs

Model sample (in model folder)

Path - src/model/user.model.ts

  • exporting the model as a default is mandatory!
  • gqlOption is for joining the foreign table, without this the queries will return the just _ids

Just write your mongoose model code, then I generate gql code for you!

import mongoose, { Schema, Document, Model } from "mongoose";
import { IgqlOption } from 'mongo-to-gql'

const schema: Schema = new mongoose.Schema({
  email: { type: String, unique: true },
  age: Number,
  name: { type: String, required: true },
  password: String,
  picture: [String],
  geolocation: {
    latitude: Number,                                         // embaded many => this will be field JSON type
    longitude: Number 
  follower: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }],   // has many => this field will have `User` type which is from `ref`
  product: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId }                    // has one without ref => this field will be `ID` type if there is no Populate options.
}, {                                                          // if the Populate options have `path` and `model` param, it will be `JSON` type.
  timestamps: true,
  // virtual requirements
  toObject: { virtuals: true },
  toJSON: { virtuals: true }

// JSON type
schema.virtual("fullName").get(function () {
  return ({

// JSON type
schema.virtual("extra").get(async function () {
  const users = await this.model("User").findOne({ name: "Aaron" })
  return users

// if you use has many or has one, you must export this option with exact name of const 
export const gqlOption: IgqlOption = {
  // if you didn't declare `ref` in the schema, you have to specify the target model.
  Populate: [{ path: "product", model: Product, select: "name" }, { path: "follower" }],
  Auth: true     // authentication option. if the apollo server context option sends an appropriate 'user', this model's GQL query can be accessible.

export default mongoose.model("User", schema);

model auto-generate results will be

params Description
page Pagination
limit page per
filter each field name with in (array values are in data), has (regex), ne (array values are not in data); basic field name like name for finding exact data
filter field JSON This field only able to filtering exact same JSON structure
filter subSearch you can search the Embedded structure with a JSON string ex) subSearch: "{'geolocation.latitude': 12.3}"
sort each field name with asc or desc, but you can't get sortkey from JSON type
result Description
data result data object
page current page
total result data count
query getUsers {
  Users(page: 0, limit: 4, filter: {name_has: "a", email_in: ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"], subSearch: "{'geolocation.latitude': 12.3}"}, sort: updatedAt_asc) {
    data {
      follower {
      product         // This field is JSON type because of the schema that does not have "ref".

query UserByID {
  User(_id: "5dc8aa758ac3cd40e7ea0c7f") {
    follower {
    product         // This field is JSON type because of the schema that does not have "ref".

Mutation sample (in mutation folder)

Path - src/mutation/addUser.ts

  • inputType and resolver are mandatory! Try to use Imutation interface, it'll be easier.
  • Your mutation function name will save as starting with a lowercase.
  • Make this sure all extra input types must be declared! ex) ProductInputType
  • The resolver should be an async method, but it's doesn't matter.
import crypto from 'crypto';
import User from "../model/user.model";
import { Imutation, graphType, IreturnType } from 'mongo-to-gql'
import Product from '../model/product.model';

// class name is your mutation's name
class AddUser implements Imutation {
    public inputType = {
        name: graphType.String,
        email: graphType.StringRequire,
        address: graphType.JSON,
        password: graphType.String,
        follower: graphType.ID,
        someJson: graphType.Json,             // json type param
        product: graphType.CustomRequire("CustomProductInputType") // this will automatically try to find this name of this element in your class

    public CustomProductInputType = {       // automation target 
        name: graphType.String

    // this must be returned as Promise<ReturnType>
    public resolver = (_: any, { input }: any, { user }: any): Promise<IreturnType> => {
        return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
            try {
                // if you set the context option and passed an appropriate user, you can validate the authentication via the third parameter of the resolver.
                if(!user) {
                  throw "auth required"
                const UserModel = new User().model;
                const ProductModel = new Product().model;
                const foundUser = await UserModel.findOne({ _id: input.follower })
                const newProduct = await ProductModel.create({ name: })
                const result = await UserModel.create({
                    address: input.address,
                    // hash it before!
                    password: input.password,
                    picture: getAvatar(,
                    follower: [foundUser],
                    thisisProducts: newProduct
                    done: result,
                    error: {}
            } catch (error) {
                if (error.code === 11000) {
                    resolve({ done: false, error: "email already used" })
                else {
                    resolve({ done: false, error: `${error} : bad happend while we are saving user data` })

const getAvatar = (Email: string, size: number = 200): string => {
    const md5 = crypto.createHash("md5").update(Email).digest("hex");
    return `${md5}?s=${size}&d=retro`;

export default AddUser

resolver return type

interface IreturnType {
  done: any;             // JSON type
  error: any;            // JSON type

mutation auto-generate results will be

params Description
input mutation class's inputType as a gql definition
result Description
done anything for a result as JSON
error error as a JSON type
mutation AddUser{
	addUser(input: {
    name:"Wooseok Lee", 
    email: "[email protected]", 
    password: "123",
    address: "somewhere",
    follower: "5dd60a152b451e03159d2ead"
    somejson: {any: "json", types: "available"}
    product: {name: "PerfectOne"}



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


Auto-generator for the MongoDB model to GraphQL type definition and query resolvers.







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