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Hasura Base

This is a starter project that uses Hasura, Prisma, Minio, BullMQ, and Maizzle. Authentication is handled by Hasura and JWTs.

Getting Started

  1. Install dependencies
  1. Copy .env.example to .env and update values (note "TODO" values). The S3 secret and key will be updated in step 4 below.

  2. Start the docker containers

Before starting the containers, switch the postgres image to something like "postgis/postgis:15-3.3" in docker-compose.yml if you need PostGIS support.

yarn dev:docker:start
  1. Use the minio UI (http://localhost:9090/) to create a 'user-public' bucket as well as to create an api access key and secret. Update S3_ACCESS_KEY and S3_SECRET_KEY in .env file.

  2. Start the node.js server

yarn dev
  1. Run hasura migrations and apply metadata
yarn dev:migrate
yarn dev:metadata
  1. Start the hasura console
yarn dev:console
  1. Use the hasura console to create additonal tables, actions, events, relationships, and permissions.

Other admin tools are available at (see .env file for passwords):

Minio UI : http://localhost:9090/ BullMQ UI : http://localhost:3000/admin/queues

  1. To update prisma schema after hasura db updates:
yarn prisma db pull
yarn prisma generate
  1. When done, stop the docker containers
yarn dev:docker:stop

Email Templates

Emails templates are managed with maizzle.

To develop email templates:

cd src/emails
yarn install
yarn dev

Once the dev server has started, go to http://localhost:3050/. Updates to templates will live reload!

To build email templates

cd src/emails
yarn build


Prisma model types not updating? Open databse.ts and remove import import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client' save, then restore import and save again

RequestTimeTooSkewed: The difference between the request time and the server's time is too large. => Stop containers, stop docker desktop, then restart all


Starter app for hasura with auth and storage







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