This is a starter project that uses Hasura, Prisma, Minio, BullMQ, and Maizzle. Authentication is handled by Hasura and JWTs.
- Install dependencies
Copy .env.example to .env and update values (note "TODO" values). The S3 secret and key will be updated in step 4 below.
Start the docker containers
Before starting the containers, switch the postgres image to something like "postgis/postgis:15-3.3" in docker-compose.yml if you need PostGIS support.
yarn dev:docker:start
Use the minio UI (http://localhost:9090/) to create a 'user-public' bucket as well as to create an api access key and secret. Update S3_ACCESS_KEY and S3_SECRET_KEY in .env file.
Start the node.js server
yarn dev
- Run hasura migrations and apply metadata
yarn dev:migrate
yarn dev:metadata
- Start the hasura console
yarn dev:console
- Use the hasura console to create additonal tables, actions, events, relationships, and permissions.
Other admin tools are available at (see .env file for passwords):
Minio UI : http://localhost:9090/ BullMQ UI : http://localhost:3000/admin/queues
- To update prisma schema after hasura db updates:
yarn prisma db pull
yarn prisma generate
- When done, stop the docker containers
yarn dev:docker:stop
Emails templates are managed with maizzle.
To develop email templates:
cd src/emails
yarn install
yarn dev
Once the dev server has started, go to http://localhost:3050/. Updates to templates will live reload!
To build email templates
cd src/emails
yarn build
Prisma model types not updating? Open databse.ts and remove import import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client' save, then restore import and save again
RequestTimeTooSkewed: The difference between the request time and the server's time is too large. => Stop containers, stop docker desktop, then restart all