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New code for Figures 4 and 9
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Added new version of the main RMD for figure generation, w/ new code for updated version of Figure 9 (showing mean of both erosion and deposition superimposed) and new version of Figure 4 (showing e.g. fan morphology alongisde QR codes w/ updated labels).

This for revision 2 (minor revisions).
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a-leenman authored Sep 21, 2022
1 parent 97b241d commit 654e4c4
Showing 1 changed file with 122 additions and 43 deletions.
165 changes: 122 additions & 43 deletions paper_3_figures.Rmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ library(raster)
write_data_out <- FALSE # should clean datasets be written for Zenodo upload?
drive1 <- "E"
drive2 <- "D"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,17 +255,20 @@ slope_df <- bind_rows(slope_dat) #%>%
#export clean versions for FRDR
runs <- c(1,6,7,8,9)
drives <- c(drive1, rep(drive2, 4))
for(r_num in 1:length(runs)){
run <- runs[r_num]
drive <- drives[r_num]
cleandata <- slope_dat[[r_num]] %>%
dplyr::select(tvec, slope_50pc, t_sec,t_min,t_hr, run, exprep)%>%
rename(median_slope = slope_50pc, time_step_hhmm_format = tvec, time_in_sec = t_sec,
time_in_min = t_min, time_in_hrs = t_hr) %>%
mutate(median_slope = median_slope * -1)
write.csv(cleandata, file = paste0(drive, "://Experiments/Processing/Run", run, "/Run", run, "_rep", repe, "/_1min_intervals/t_series/Recalculating_slope/Run", run,
"_all_repeats_slope.csv"), row.names = F)
if(write_data_out == T){
for(r_num in 1:length(runs)){
run <- runs[r_num]
drive <- drives[r_num]
cleandata <- slope_dat[[r_num]] %>%
dplyr::select(tvec, slope_50pc, t_sec,t_min,t_hr, run, exprep)%>%
rename(median_slope = slope_50pc, time_step_hhmm_format = tvec, time_in_sec = t_sec,
time_in_min = t_min, time_in_hrs = t_hr) %>%
mutate(median_slope = median_slope * -1)
write.csv(cleandata, file = paste0(drive, "://Experiments/Processing/Run", run, "/Run", run, "_rep", repe, "/_1min_intervals/t_series/Recalculating_slope/Run", run,
"_all_repeats_slope.csv"), row.names = F)

Comparing temporal trends in median slope:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -665,19 +670,22 @@ for(i in 1:length(runs)){
mylist[[i]] <- df
#export clean versions for FRDR
cleandata <- df %>%
dplyr::select(tvec, t_sec,t_min,t_hr,
cycle, time_in_cycle, run, exprep,
p45, flank_av_slope, ax_minus_flank) %>%
rename(time_step_hhmm_format = tvec, time_in_sec = t_sec,
time_in_min = t_min, time_in_hrs = t_hr, min_in_cycle = time_in_cycle,
flank_gradient = flank_av_slope, axial_gradient = p45, gradient_difference = ax_minus_flank)
file = paste0(drive, "://Experiments/Processing/Run", run, "/Run", run,
"_rep", repe,
run, "_all_repeats_flank_vs_axial_slope.csv"), row.names = F)
if(write_data_out == T){
cleandata <- df %>%
dplyr::select(tvec, t_sec,t_min,t_hr,
cycle, time_in_cycle, run, exprep,
p45, flank_av_slope, ax_minus_flank) %>%
rename(time_step_hhmm_format = tvec, time_in_sec = t_sec,
time_in_min = t_min, time_in_hrs = t_hr, min_in_cycle = time_in_cycle,
flank_gradient = flank_av_slope, axial_gradient = p45, gradient_difference = ax_minus_flank)
file = paste0(drive, "://Experiments/Processing/Run", run, "/Run", run,
"_rep", repe,
run, "_all_repeats_flank_vs_axial_slope.csv"), row.names = F)

```{r axial_vs_flank_plot, echo = F}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -857,21 +865,25 @@ fn_df <- bind_rows(fn_list) #%>%
runs <- c(1,6,7,8,9)
repes <- rep(1, 5)
drives <- c(drive1, rep(drive2, 4))
for(r_num in 1:length(runs)){
run <- runs[r_num]
repe <- repes[r_num]
drive <- drives[r_num]
cleandata <- fn_list[[r_num]] %>%
dplyr::select(new_area_raw, new_area_normby_t2_fan, t_sec,t_min,t_hr,
cycle, time_in_cycle, time, run, exprep) %>%
rename(time_at_t2 = time, time_in_sec = t_sec,
time_in_min = t_min, time_in_hrs = t_hr,
new_area_m2 = new_area_raw,
new_area_normalized_by_fan_area = new_area_normby_t2_fan,
cycle_number = cycle, min_in_cycle = time_in_cycle)
write.csv(cleandata, file = paste0(drive, "://Experiments/Processing/Run", run, "/Run", run, "_rep", repe, "/_1min_intervals/t_series/change_detection/Run", run,
"_all_repeats_Fn.csv"), row.names = F)
if(write_data_out == T){
for(r_num in 1:length(runs)){
run <- runs[r_num]
repe <- repes[r_num]
drive <- drives[r_num]
cleandata <- fn_list[[r_num]] %>%
dplyr::select(new_area_raw, new_area_normby_t2_fan, t_sec,t_min,t_hr,
cycle, time_in_cycle, time, run, exprep) %>%
rename(time_at_t2 = time, time_in_sec = t_sec,
time_in_min = t_min, time_in_hrs = t_hr,
new_area_m2 = new_area_raw,
new_area_normalized_by_fan_area = new_area_normby_t2_fan,
cycle_number = cycle, min_in_cycle = time_in_cycle)
write.csv(cleandata, file = paste0(drive, "://Experiments/Processing/Run", run, "/Run", run, "_rep", repe, "/_1min_intervals/t_series/change_detection/Run", run,
"_all_repeats_Fn.csv"), row.names = F)

Comparing temporal trends in newly inundated area (Fn), expressed as a percentage of fan area:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2112,7 +2124,8 @@ for(i in 1:length(runs)){
#export clean versions for FRDR
# number of channels
cleandata <- df %>%
if(write_data_out == T){
cleandata <- df %>%
dplyr::select(tvec, dividedness, t_sec,t_min,t_hr,
cycle, time_in_cycle, run, exprep) %>%
rename(time_step_hhmm_format = tvec, time_in_sec = t_sec,
Expand All @@ -2136,6 +2149,8 @@ for(i in 1:length(runs)){
"_rep", repe,
run, "_all_repeats_active_sector_1m.csv"), row.names = F)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2689,7 +2704,8 @@ for(i in 1:length(runs)){
mylist[[i]] <- df
#export clean versions for FRDR
cleandata <- df %>%
if(write_data_out == T){
cleandata <- df %>%
dplyr::select(time, wet.area, fan.area, wet.fraction, t_sec,t_min,t_hr,
cycle, time_in_cycle, exprep) %>%
rename(time_step_hhmm_format = time, time_in_sec = t_sec,
Expand All @@ -2700,6 +2716,8 @@ for(i in 1:length(runs)){
"_rep", repe,
run, "_all_repeats_wet_frac.csv"), row.names = F)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3200,7 +3218,8 @@ for(i in 1:length(runs)){
mylist[[i]] <- df
#export clean versions for FRDR
cleandata <- df %>%
if(write_data_out == T){
cleandata <- df %>%
dplyr::select(t1, agg, deg, t_min,t_hr,
cycle, time_in_cycle, exprep) %>%
rename(time_step_at_t1 = t1, deposition_cm3 = agg, erosion_cm3 = deg,
Expand All @@ -3210,6 +3229,8 @@ for(i in 1:length(runs)){
"_rep", repe, "/_1min_intervals/t_series/Run",
run, "_all_repeats_deposition_erosion_cm3.csv"),
row.names = F)
# list to df for joining
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3395,20 +3416,27 @@ for(i in c(1, 3:5)){
# get mean for group; add to plot
df2 = group_by(dat, time_in_cycle)
df2a = summarize(df2, meanz = mean(abs(agg), na.rm = T))
df2d = summarize(df2, meanz = mean(abs(deg), na.rm = T))
c(pull(df2a[cycle.len, 2]), pull(df2a[,2])),
col = darken(colz[i], amount = 0.4, space = "combined"),
lwd = 2)
c(pull(df2d[cycle.len, 2]), pull(df2d[,2])),
col = 'black',
lty = 3, lwd = 2)
# annotations <- runnames[i]
if(i == 5){
box.col = 'white',
legend = c("Single cycle", "Ensemble mean"),
lwd = c(1, 2),
col = c(alpha(colz[i], 0.4), darken(colz[i], amount = 0.4, space = "combined")),
legend = c("Single cycle", "Ensemble mean", "Corresp. mean"),
lwd = c(1, 2, 2),
lty = c(1, 1, 3),
col = c(alpha(colz[i], 0.4), darken(colz[i], amount = 0.4, space = "combined"),
text.font = 3,
cex = 2,
bg = 'white',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3466,11 +3494,14 @@ for(i in c(1, 3:5)){
df2d = summarize(df2, meanz = mean(abs(deg), na.rm = T))
c(pull(df2d[cycle.len, 2]), pull(df2d[,2])),
col = darken(colz[i], amount = 0.4, space = "combined"),
lwd = 2)
c(pull(df2a[cycle.len, 2]), pull(df2a[,2])),
col = 'black',
lty = 3, lwd = 2)
box.col = 'white',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4925,6 +4956,54 @@ legend("bottomright", legend = paste0("R.squ = ", summary(mod)$adj.r.squared))

Now plotting sample image of each fan against its QR code (as per Fiona Clubb's suggestion for revision 2):

# housekeeping
runs <- c(1, 7:9)
repes <- c(2, rep(1, 3))
runnames <- c("CON", "OSC10", "OSC20", "OSC40")
drives <- c(drive1, rep(drive2, 3))
QR_codes <- c('run1_rep2_QR.png', 'run7_QR.png', 'run8_QR.png', 'run9_QR.png')
# set key timestamps
cycle_len = c(5, 5, 10, 20) # length of high or low supply period
start_time = 1200 # timestamp to start at
# set up plot
png(paste0(outfiles, "/QR_codes.png"),
width = 7, 5, units = 'in', res = 600, type = 'cairo')
par(mfcol = c(3,4),
oma = c(2,2,0,0),
mai = rep(0.2, 4))
# for each run
for(i in 1:4){
t_low <- as.character(start_time + cycle_len[i])
t_high <- start_time + 2 * cycle_len[i]
ortho_dir <- paste0(drives[i], ':/Experiments/Processing/Run', runs[i], '/Run', runs[i], '_rep', repes[i],'/_1min_intervals/orthomosaics')
ortho_list <- list.files(ortho_dir)
ortho_high_name <- unlist(lapply(ortho_list, function(ch) grep(t_high, ch, value = TRUE)))
ortho_high <- brick(paste0(ortho_dir, '/', ortho_high_name ))
if(i == 1){
mtext('High supply', side = 2)
ortho_low_name <- unlist(lapply(ortho_list, function(ch) grep(t_low, ch, value = TRUE)))
ortho_low <- brick(paste0(ortho_dir, '/', ortho_low_name ))
if(i == 1){
mtext('Zero supply', side = 2)
QR <- raster(paste0(outfiles, '/', QR_codes[i]))
# par(mai = c(1,1,1,1))
image(QR, axes = F, legend = F, col = c('black', 'white'))
if(i == 1){
mtext('Time-lapse', side = 2)
mtext(paste0('Run ', runnames[i]), side = 1)

# To do:

Expand Down

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