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I host the daarb podcast/blog where I talk about software development. When you make content online, you'll need to create some nice images to improve the quality of your content.
But for me, there was a catch...
The problem was that I couldn't see very well. Tools like GIMP are great. But when you can barely see the mouse pointer, it becomes obvious that GIMP just won't cut it.
I was stuck. I wanted to make images for my content, but to do that, I needed to be able to use a tool like gimp. But my eyes refused to cooperate.
That's when I ran into html-to-image. After I read the readme, I started to see the matrix. And that is how this project came to be.
css-img-app is a simple website that lets you write html and css then convert them into a png image. It is built with svelte and vite. You can run it on your machine with the usual git clone
+ npm run dev
combination. Check it out via this link: