three.js inspector is an extension for chrome devtool. It allows you to inspect the three.js scene in a web page. You can install three.js Inspector from chrome webstore.
It is a fork from WebGL GLSL Shader Editor Extension for Google Chrome by the excelent @thespite. Check it out!
- export your THREE.Scene as a
global variable- typically
window.scene = scene;
- typically
- press 'refresh' button to refresh the scene
YES we are looking for a better way to do it :)
You can install the extensions directly from the chrome store
three.js inspector chrome extension
copy the repo files to your computer and launch the extension as a developer. Follow those steps:
- copy the repository files - zip
- Goto the Chrome's Extensions page : Settings -> More tools -> Extensions
- Enable Developer Mode
- Click on "Load unpacked extension"...
- Select the folder /src in the checked out project
- Added inspection for uniforms when using THREE.ShaderMaterial
- inspector able to display canvas/video texture
- Fixed bug in texture drapdrop/file: just a typo in a varname
- added a 'Examples' tab to easily access three.js examples
- nice for discovery and learning
- Added notification when devtools is open and three.js inspector is reloaded
- thus developper knows and don't assume the inspector will be working
- But it is very useful when developping three.js inspector :)
- This case doesn't happen for the actual user
- recapture the scene automatically if object are added to it
- overloading Object3D.prototype.add/Object3D.prototype.remove
- Handle large image texture
- no more issue with "too long url"
- better detection of the inspected window
- detect when the inspected window is reloaded, and reinject the script
- added a timer to count the time since the last scene update
- detect when running in production and disable debug feature when not in development
- reenabled shadermaterial with uniforms tuning
- reenable texture image tunning, export+drag drop from desktop
This version is all about a total refactor of the devtools <-> extension part.
the previous version was copied and was quite messy. It had race-conditions issues during the start. So the extension would not start on some computers.
i rewrote the whole devtool <-> extension. It is quite a chalenge in itself :) more details at .
To give you an idea,
- threejs-inspector needs 4 webpages, and establish messages communication between them.
- It handle 2 javascript VM in the inspected page
- Chosen quote from the docs: "Your message will now flow from the injected script,
to the content script, to the background script, and finally to the DevTools page."
- and this is how every message is going thru all this :)
Yeah definitly, to code a devtools extension could be simpler. i hope this version will be more manageable. Dont hesitate to report any issue on github.
- better css for inline link to three.js help
- added console.dir when exporting objects to console
- added export-to-console for texture
- added support for texture in uniforms
- added support material.magFilter and material.minFilter
- added support for spriteMaterial.rotation
- support for material.uniforms texture and integer
- handled material.bumpScale
- pointCloudmaterial material.size/material.sizeAttenuation
- able to fully stop requestAnimationFrame in setting tabs
- started refactoring the scene grabbing
- added requestAnimationFrame force rate in setting tabs
- added 'purge obsolete objects' in treeview popup menu - better scene capture
- source cleanup
- added a popup menu in scene-brower
- ability to manually content scripts - more robust
- improved tab css for visibility
- added 'inject in three.js' in treeview popup menu - better scene capture
- find a demo without working well
- massive cleanup of the scene capture code
- added range limit to material.opacity
- added ability to create a texture from material popup menu
- added export-in-console for material and geometry
- added upload support for texture
- added dragdrop support for texture
- added "about" tab
- added texture.sourceFile it is now possible to change texture
- texture needs to be on a CORS server
- added 'visibility toggle'/'export to console' and better css on treeview
- added an object is now relative to the selected parent
- better controls over the scene tree when you build something
- added support for face material
- take the lightmap example in three.js
- added texture.anisotropy
- take the anisotropy demo
- added texture handling
- demo: move texture repeat + offset + wrapS/wrapT. find a good demo for that
- added help button linking to three.js documentation
- good for learning
- added object3d.castShadow / receiveShadow
- added material.shadding
- added left/right/top/bottom for ortho camera
- fixed Sprites crash + castShadow support
- added viewVertices + viewFaces in geometry menu
- added a Config.js and save autoRefresh
- added bounding sphere in geometry
- added linewidth, dashSize in material
- demo of a line example
- added auto refresh to on by default
- fixed bug in case of typedGeometry, PointCloud
- 'export in console' in object3d inspector popup menu
- demo: show an object, move it thru inspector, then export it, and change $3js position in console
- implemented a tab for setting
- show it
- added autoRefresh setting to periodically refresh the inspector
- demo with turning cube
- added the 'no' panels for a better visibility in the UI
- simply show it with a object3d selected and without
- uniform live tuning for shader material
- demo bubble fresnel
- implemented better number tuning with the mouse.
- if shift is pressed, it goes 10 times faster
- it meta is pressed, it goes 100 times faster
- if shift+meta are pressed, it goes 1000 times faster
- search
for the previous version number - change the version number to even patch number e.g. 1.2.2
- do
make packageExtension
to build the - upload the at
- click 'Publish Changes'
- do
make cleanExtension
to build the - make the patch number as odd in
, by replacing all instance of version number - add a line in Changelog