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[mirror] Typst tree sitter major mode for Emacs.


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Typst Tree-Sitter Mode

Tree Sitter support for Typst. Minimum Emacs version requirement: 29.

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  1. Emacs >= 29

  2. Latest Typst.
    typst 0.11.0

  3. Tree Sitter grammar for Typst:
    commit: 4610172f312e8ce5184e6882be5ad1a1cd800fbe - Mon Apr 22 15:13:47 2024 +0200
    To install the grammar, you can execute the following elisp code (once):

    (add-to-list 'treesit-language-source-alist
                 '(typst ""))
    (treesit-install-language-grammar 'typst)

    Note there are also tree sitter modules, treesit-auto and treesit-langs for you to easily manage your tree sitter modes and grammars. For vanilla solution, there is my configuration for reference.


Example configuration.

(use-package typst-ts-mode
  :ensure (:type git :host sourcehut :repo "meow_king/typst-ts-mode" :files (:defaults "*.el"))
  ;; (optional) If you want to ensure your typst tree sitter grammar version is greater than the minimum requirement
  (typst-ts-mode-grammar-location (expand-file-name "tree-sitter/" user-emacs-directory)))


C-c C-c c : typst-ts-compile-and-preview
C-c C-c C : typst-ts-compile
C-c C-c w : typst-ts-watch-mode
C-c C-c p : typst-ts-mode-preview
M-<left> : typst-ts-mode-heading-decrease
M-<right> : typst-ts-mode-heading-increase
M-<up> : typst-ts-mode-heading-up
M-<down> : typst-ts-mode-heading-down
M-<return>: typst-ts-mode-meta-return
<return> : typst-ts-mode-return
TAB : typst-ts-mode-cycle
C-c ' : typst-ts-edit-indirect (requires

NOTE: outline-minor-mode is enabled by typst-ts-mode, so you can use command defined by outline-minor-mode such as outline-cycle.

Customization Options

You can view all the custom options in Emacs using customize command. Go to typst-ts group.

Here are some options you may find useful:

  1. typst-ts-mode-indent-offset (default 4)
    If you want to have org-indent-mode like behavior, you can use outline-indent-mode plugin.
  2. typst-ts-compile-executable-location
    You can set a custom typst executable location.
  3. typst-ts-watch-options.
    Set this to --open so typst will automatically open the compiled file for you when you enter typst-ts-watch-mode.
  4. typst-ts-compile-options.
    Note that setting --open has no use for this customization variable. You can execute command async-shell-command and input typst compile <file> --open && sleep 1 to view what is happening. Use command typst-ts-compile-and-preview if you want to view the output document after compiling.
  5. typst-ts-watch-auto-display-compilation-error. (default t)
    This variable controls whether typst watch process buffer will appear when an error occurs, and disappear when there is no error. You may find auto-save-visited-mode, auto-save or super-save useful (or annoying).
  6. typst-ts-compile-before-compilation-hook and typst-ts-compile-after-compilation-hook
  7. typst-ts-mode-grammar-location: used for grammar version check at major mode start.


  1. typst-ts-mode-fontification-precise-level (default 'middle)
    Available values: min, middle and max. Different level affects the precision of the fontification. For example, to fontify - item, we may fontify the whole expression using one face, or two faces (one for -, and one for item). Note it is related to the performance of fontification process, especially the first fontification process (when you open the file).
  2. typst-ts-markup-header-same-height and typst-ts-markup-header-scale
    Control header height. Note that it only works when typst-ts-mode-fontification-precise-level is set to max.
  3. Override default font lock rules
    Please see the documentation of typst-ts-mode-font-lock-rules, you can find how to override the whole font lock rules or only small part of the font lock rules.

Raw block highlighting

This is an experimental feature
Only support tree-sitter languages.
Note: Currently only support Emacs 30 (master branch). But non-treesit font lock for raw block feature will be added soon (both 29 and 30).
For more detailed documentation about raw block highlighting see this documentation

  1. typst-ts-mode-enable-raw-blocks-highlight (default nil)
  2. typst-ts-mode-highlight-raw-blocks-at-startup (default nil)
  3. typst-ts-highlight-raw-block-langs-not-in-predefined-settings (default t)

Consult Imenu Integration

If you use consult-iemnu command consult, you way want this setting.

 (append consult-imenu-config
         '((typst-ts-mode :topLevel "Headings" :types
                          ((?h "Headings" typst-ts-markup-header-face)
                           (?f "Functions" font-lock-function-name-face))))))


Please work on develop branch, which will be combined into main branch every one week or so if there are new commits.
This document ./side/sync_with_upstream.typ shows information related to synchronous status with upstream grammar.

Tree Sitter Resources

  1. (info "(elisp) Parser-based Font Lock") and (info "(elisp) Parsing Program Source") (Use eval-expression command to jump to the corresponding Info Manual Node)
  2. Let’s Write a Tree-Sitter Major Mode - Matering Emacs
  3. ts-query-highlight. I wrote this package to highlight tree sitter queries. This package is used in the process of building typst-ts-mode.
  4. All common treesit operations can be viewd using command shortdoc

Package Development

How to load all files used by this packages?

This snippet is taken from The Emacs Package Developer’s Handbook - Byte-compile and load directory with some modification.

(defun others/byte-compile-and-load-directory (directory)
  "Byte-compile and load all elisp files in DIRECTORY.
Interactively, directory defaults to `default-directory' and asks
for confirmation."
  (interactive (list default-directory))
  (let* ((load-path (cons directory load-path))
         (files (directory-files directory 't (rx ".el" eos))))
    (dolist (file files)
      (byte-compile-file file 'load))))

How to eval a buffer and override the origin definitions

You can use eval-defun to eval and override a function definition. However, to eval and override a buffer, eval-buffer doesn't work.
This snippet is taken from How do I force re-evaluation of a defvar? - François Févotte - with some modification.

(defun others/eval-buffer ()
"Execute the current buffer as Lisp code.
Top-level forms are evaluated with `eval-defun' so that `defvar'
and `defcustom' forms reset their default values."
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (not (eobp))
      (eval-defun nil))))

How to do lint

I recommend you to use However, you can choose anything you like.
To use it, first cd into the project root directory, then:

chmod +x ./

To do lint, you can execute shell command ./ lint


Huan Nguyen