MSPS A Multi-objective Model for Multi-skill Project Scheduling Problem considering Perform Efficiency
Codebase for MSPS: A Multi-objective Model for Multi-skill Project Scheduling Problem considering Perform Efficiency
The growing need of responsiveness for enterprises facing market volatility raises a strong demand for flexibility in their human resource management. This paper presents a multi-objective model for Multi-skill Project Scheduling Problem. We propose a new wage distribution method in which different perform efficiencies of human resources are taken into account. The model aims at minimizing project duration and project costs concurrently. An improved NSGA-II algorithm is designed to solve the model. The algorithm introduces a multi-dimensional chromosome coding scheme to identify the priorities and staff allocation of each activity. Special chromosome crossover and mutation operation are employed to address resource conflicts and constraint violations. Eventually, A case study is presented to verify the efficiency of the proposed approach.
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DEnsga_2(pop, gen)
specifies the size of population.--gen
sepcifies the number of generations (iterations).
In the Const.m file, we preset the project information, here we use one project data as simulation, including
- the relationship between tasks,
- required resources
- the cost and time of insourcing and outsourcing.
- Human resources data